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A Curious Scrowle Describing the Tambry Accord Proposal



*This Pamphlet will be distributed in-game as well and should be considered open knowledge.*

I, Aramare "Morgan" Cerendor, Lord of the humble city-state of Tambry-Upon-Tam, desire to illuminate all of my city's plight and propose a new Accord.

As you may know, Tambry-Upon-Tam was not designed for geo-political tussling. We chose to reject the outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society and derive power from internal and external accord. This derivation is cohesive to a withdrawal from external militaristic or political scenes save self-preservation. Recent events have forced our proverbial hands and we must now seek alternatives.

Tambry is yet an infant being raised in a world where the acquisition of thrones has been reduced to an expansionist game, and Tambry is targeted. Our humble city-state, neutral and defenseless by nature and design, is threatened.

Tambry has no gods or allies to call on in this hour of peril. It exists only to provide a stable, neutral trading ground. Our city, in order to construct that economic atmosphere, takes no tax and profits not. Should Tambry fall in the wrong hands its value is diminished. Certain gods, nations, peoples, races, and businesses will be favored over others. Taxes would be imposed and property inflated. This would have damaging repercussions throughout the Kingdoms. One cannot facilitate trade with outsiders if there are no outsiders.

Nor can we call upon our merchants to defend our city. While we do have cavaliers, they merely defend our city from threats within the depths of our city, not to protect us from outsiders. I wish to put to rest the notion that we ally ourselves with bandits or thieves and quash the notion that they can or even would try and succeed to defend us. These bandits and thieves lack not in common sense and will flee long before Tambry would fall.

Tambry will burn before it is captured, but before I approach such drastic measures, I wish to explore diplomatic solutions.

I therefore call for the creation of a diplomatic accord designed to ensure Tambry's economic and political neutrality, and I invite all foreign governments, friends or enemies, to participate. Isolation is no longer a viable option due to threat of Tambry's fall to a single foreign government. Instead, Tambry will become a bastion of unity, operated and protected by all willing actors.

I invite all foreign governments to construct an embassy within Tambry and open diplomatic discussions for securing Tambry's future that will culminate in an accord creating the Tambry Foreign Council. Any foreign government that establishes an embassy in Tambry will have a voice in our Council, and all are welcome. The Tambry Foreign Council, comprised of one representative from each willing foreign government, will embody a portion of the political power in Tambry. Its primary functions are to facilitate trade between governments and preserve peace within the Northern Kingdoms. It will work together with the Domestic Council to preserve Tambry's neutrality and keep it away from the exclusive hands of powers from the north, south, east, or west. Over time, these responsibilities may shift with the city's needs.

Respectfully Signed,
Aramare "Morgan" Cerendor
Lord of Tambry-Upon-Tam


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Tzemik Kevasn- renowned Master Healer and a leading figure of the nearby settlement Vigils Rest - is potentially interested protecting this Neutrality. Discussion must be had! :p