Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Poster A final call to action


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Over the following days, leaflets and posters are hung and airdropped across all corners of the continent. Heralded by airships bearing Candlewood colours.



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To The People of Altera.

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As Lightshine turns to Sunbright, something stirs and looms across the realm. Something unnatural, beyond the oddities the Eastern Kingdoms have been host to. Each and every one of us has been witness to it, the dream, the warning, the return.

The scholars of Candlewood have poured over each tome available to the realm. The Exodus saga by Rahm Kennys, the Metaphysics series by Lana Wake, religious texts, and historical records. The signs seem clear, our most ancient enemy has returned; Corruption incarnate, Blight of Altera, Queen Grief.

Our leading theory is that she did indeed die, and was fully destroyed by the Immortal Kings, the sacrifice of Queen Leminth, and the power of the ancient relic the Cherigon. Yet akin to She Who Is Beyond Names reborn into the Mistress of Magic, or Silas reborn into the figment Know who ascended to the Titan of The Knowing Edge, an aspect of Grief likely remained. Corruption appears to be a fundamental force of reality, undeniably alive yet destructive in its nature as it creates new life from which it invades. After more than two thousand years the entity known as Queen Grief was killed, but the essence is not something that can be silenced forever. And now after more than two hundred years, it has returned.

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Magic, science, and the divine are ever more present and advanced now than they were during the fall of Queen Grief. Yet the Immortal Kings are gone, I can only speculate on what will happen when the storm arrives. Alterans have survived many harsh challenges in this world, and especially this continent. I am certain heroes and warriors will rise to the occasion to attempt to slay this foe as many have been before. But I do not intend to wait around and gamble our continued survival on combat prowess alone.

Candlewood will put forth its own Exodus initiative, and build a vessel akin to The Cradle which brought the Immortal Constructs to this world. I beg to put our strive and discord aside and come together one last time to take fate into our own hands and escape this endless cycle.

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Through the difficulties, to the truth.

Cael Mithanil, Sage of Candlewood
