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A Guide to Dwarven Lingo

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Lord of Altera
So, I've been nagged for this and here it is. I'll try to help anyone with this and just PM me if you need specific help as I've been having a hard time myself getting my head around writing out the accent as it gets complicated :p

So, let's start
Most pieces are now accented what you're going to say, as in, to create the affect that is need. I'll start by sectioning parts into different bits and gradually update more and more. Pieces in Apostrophes are examples

Rules of Le Lingo

So, the accent created is rather wierd. I'll make a list of rules here and see if I can get them all in one go...but probably not
1) Removal of last letters and first letters - When appropriate, the first and/or last letters of a word can be removed, this occurs many times with 't's ', 'h's' and when you deem appropriate, remember, the key is to evolve your accent so were not all the same. I tend to remove t's and h's most commonly with s' as well and leaving a consonant at the end

2) Removal of multiple letters inside words - This also applies mostly to consonants and can be used to reinforce the accent, removing h's and and such inside words and/or replacing pieces with words already used, mostly referring to ae, such as 'Yer Mae is a bad'un...', 'Maest of yer will fail this task.

3) The practice of 'uns. - This is one you can adapt regularly. I use long'uns and bad'uns mostly, but you can adapt this to suit whatever you like. It's used as an adjective or noun and can refer to anything, from 'Elf'uns...' to 'Lady'uns', just depends on your dwarf.

But remember the most important rule

There is no standard for this. You develop your characters accent in your own way so your accent, it's never going to be wrong even if it dosn't match this, as it's your own and not mine and the creativity of yourself is what defines a good character. :)

Common Phrases

Ae - This is how I started myself, it can either mean 'A' or 'I', such as 'Ae pound of yer best potatos' or 'Ae dunnae like t'is situation
Knae - Know, 'Ae knae wha' yer sayin' '
Ken - Understand 'Der yer ken?'
Cannae - Can't, Can not 'Yer cannae do tha'!'
Dunnae - Don't, Do not 'Yer dunnae toss ae Dwarf!
T'e - The 'T'e eye of t'e Beholder!'
Tha' - That 'Tha' is one ugly elf...'
T'ink - Think 'Wha' der yer t'ink?'
Ae'm - I'm 'Ae'm stuff lad!'
Long'un(s) - Anybody taller than Dwarves 'Bladdy long'uns sittin' on t'eir 'igh 'orses!'
Yer - You 'Yer are ae bunch of Elven Bladder...'
Nor - Not 'Nor very 'appy with tha' decision...
Bad'un(s) - Not nice people 'Tha' elf is ae bad'un...altha' maest are..
Elf (Plural: Elves): Stupid people 'Damn Elves...'
Dwarf (Plural: Dwarves): Awesome people 'T'e Dwarves shall rise!'
Sae - Can be either used as a replacment for So or Say, such as 'Sae, yer like trains?' or 'Yer dunnae sae...'
Yer'll - You will 'Yer'll 'ave ter do somethin' about it...'
Ach / Ack - A General term used to show varied emotions, ranging from agreement to sadness
Aye - Yes 'Aye, le's kill t'e Elves!'
Nay - No 'Nay, dunnae nor kill t'e Elves!'
Wha' - What 'Wha' are yer on about'
Kin - Fellow Dwarves by Blood, Clan or House Relation 'Ormild and Gromm, yer me Kin!'
Me - my 'Ae'll be by me Caravan...'
Yerself - Yourself 'Sae, tell me abou' yerself and yer Elven slaughter'
Fer - For 'Fer t'e Sake of Korog!'
Didnae - Didn't, Did not 'Yer didnae jus' do tha'!'
Jus' - Just 'Jus' one minute!'
Baeth - Both 'Yer dogs are baeth eating eachother's arses'
Ba'ck - Back 'Ba'ckstay ger ba'ck ter work!'
Ter - To 'Ger ter work, slaves!'
T'em - Them 'T'em Elves!'
Thaese - Those 'Thaese damn Greylin's!'
Le' - Let 'Le' t'em 'ave it'
'ave - Have 'Ae 'ave t'e bomb...wai', wha'!?'
Wai' - Wait 'Wait, t'is plan is awesome'
T'is - This 'T'is is firetruckin' awesome'

I think your getting the gist so you can make your own but I'll be keeping adding to this... :p


Elf! - General Insult 'Yer Elven scum!'
Bladdy 'ell! - Used to show annoyance 'Bladdy 'ell yer Gibber-smack!'
Yer arse! - You ass 'Yer ass of ae'n elf!'
Earthspawn shite! - Earthspawn poop 'Yer piece of Earthspawn Shite'
Ter [Unhailed God] with yer! - To a unfavoured god of theirs or yours with them 'Ter Kilrox's Grave with yer!'
Yer bladder-flap! - I have no idea, it just sounded nice 'Off ter t'e Nether with ye yer Bladder-flap!'

Please use curses responsibly


Me Mae' - My Mother 'Me Mae be sick!'
Me Pae' - My Father 'Me Pae be eatin' me sick mother!'
Me paren's - My Parents 'Me paren's are baeth mad!'

Most others are the same, just with Me on the front or whatever is appropriate


Just poke me with things on this thread of what else you'd like me to add, I wasn't sure what else to add so feedback is really appreciated :p


Lord of Altera
So many Elf jokes. Just proves who are the better race. :p

Seriously though, you've done a great job of that, well done!


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
I think this needs more attention, especially from all the Dwarves that would like to roleplay with the accent. Even I didn't know there were already some words written out for convenience! :eek: