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A jailbreak in Azerport


Lord of Altera
So this is basically Solveig's POV on the events leading up to the current near-war/ warring situation between Al'Bathor and Azerport. Hopefully this will help clear a few things up..
(please note this is Solveig's view not mine :p)
(also is this the right section to post this in? lets hope so)
Here goes folks:

Following my return to Al’Bathor from a rather risky trip to the sorrow lands – whose purpose was to acquire a rare flower which has a remarkable near-white staining property when combined with fine glasses in their molten form – the Huscarl informed me of a stranger who wished to erect a guild for mercenaries on the opposite shore of the Azer. Named Maximus the armoured man seemed to have a keen idea of the capability of the towns’ defenses which initially served only to unnerve me but as we talked it became clear that his intentions were perfectly rational and businesslike which calmed me greatly. His idea was quite simple: to build a small fort-like structure on the opposing side from the dock masters building which would be capable of providing substantial military support whilst defending itself against most onslaughts and ambushes from the surrounding forest.

Thus my displeasure was obvious when Maximus had not returned to the town after prospecting the area and returning to Port Silver where he said he would think over his plans. Suspecting a rat I took the journey to the capital and made contact with certain individuals who claimed to have witnessed the arrest of Maximus in our neighbouring city of Azerport. Not wishing to jeopardise fragile relationships between our two towns I decided to travel there in person to confirm the intelligence I had gathered and appeal for the release of the mercenary if this was indeed the situation.

After disembarking from the ferry-ship I was met by a rather official looking man who told me in no uncertain terms that Maximus had indeed been detained after making death-threats to certain citizens of the town as well as attempting a jailbreak which resulted in destruction of town property. I took my leave and at the same time I decided I would take matters into my own hands.

Returning to Al’Bathor I acquired a set of dark robes and hood from the Riverwatch headquarters which would allow me to conceal my identity as well as one of their calling horns in case I managed to get myself into trouble I couldn’t handle myself. I also made acquisition of a short-handled club akin to a blackjack which would allow me to quieten any foes I happened to encounter.

At dusk the Riverwatch transported me just outside Azerport seeking to avoid detection by any wary guardsmen from where I swam keeping close to the harbour walls and diving under the jetties and a ship to avoid alerting anyone to my presence. As it happened I was forced to swim a longer distance than I would have liked which increased the journeying that I had to do to reach the prison where Maximus was held. Eventually I reached a gap in the Watch which allowed me to slowly scale the harbour walls. Suddenly and without warning a loud noise of water striking water reached my ears and alarmed I gazed down to see whether droplets of water falling from my garments were causing the disturbance. Confused at seeing there were no droplets I took a quick glance to my right where I saw a guard urinating off of the coastal wall. Chuckling to myself and grateful for the loud noise I quickly climbed the last of the wall where I came face to face with the guard who just so happened to be in full glorious flow at the time. I witnessed a wave of confusion, anger and embarrassment pass over the man’s face as I strode up to him drawing out the club discreetly from behind my back. I reached the man before he had time to utter more than a few startled words by which time I had already moved to drive the club into the man’s forehead. I am pleased to say it made a resounding crack and the man fell unconscious instantly, his body falling limply and quietly to the floor. Hiding his helpless body behind the wheel of the nearest ship I proceeded to sneak across the quayside and around the back of the buildings moving as stealthily and quickly as I could.

It mustn’t have been quick or quiet enough as no sooner had I rounded the corner of the second building I was confronted with an angry cry accompanied by the drawn bow wielded by a stout greyling. Annoyed I had little choice but to appease the creature with a quick flurry of excuses and follow him to Azerport’s tavern where it was made clear to me that I was going to thoroughly explain myself. Once there I realised that I had little time on my hands before the guard I had previously made unconscious regained his mind which forced me to resort to the oldest trick in the book. Sadly greylings tend to be more wily than other races and as a result my manoeuvre ended up in a clash of deadly steel which had the wonderful effect of attracting guards from every direction. As two guards flanked my opponent’s sides I figured my only option was to make a run for it. Shoving one guard onto his backside I leaped out of the tavern door and made for the edge of the city-port seeking to lose myself in the surrounding mountains and hills.

Now – of all the races present in Altera the greylings are a race with whom I share little love – in fact I despise them immensely. From their annoying oversized ears on their short improper bodies to the arrogant way in which they conduct themselves in all worldly affairs, the greylings are ones who I will never enjoy company with.

My hate for their puny species was therefore confirmed when a short barbed arrow embedded itself deep into my thigh. From then on I remember little, all I can recall are flashing memories of the sound of my horn and a Riverwatch taking a similar shot to the chest and shouts as... as Maximus charged my assailants... then blinding waves of pain as arms, my arms, pulled my limp body away from the battle... smoke was rising in the distance... a woman’s terrible screams and a dying man's final cry... then nothing.

~Solveig Lautera

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Lord of Altera
If this happened within the last few months... I was barely on the sever. And even when I am, I never leave the city Im in. So its probably someone else.


Lord of Altera
D: somewhere said tybalt was a greyling *tries to find it again* somewhere...
do you mind being a greyling for this? it kinda works :heart:
Marr came from Acturus. They were highly racist of Greylings. And I kinda wanna make it as accurate as possible.

And I'm 1000% sure I didn't say I was a Greyling.


Lord of Altera
By all means write a fanfic of fighting a Greyling. Despite not being anywhere net recognition of a Greyling, I liked how in depth your description of them and Solviegs hatred towards em


Lord of Altera
I have a solution to this!

Solveig is way to proud and arrogant to admit to being brought down by another man - he would most definitely lie and claim that the only thing that brought him down was the trickery of a greyling. Only a greyling would have the impertinence to shoot down a man of /such/ high rank and status. Thus he will forever claim to have been maimed by a greyling.


Lord of Altera
I have a solution to this!

Solveig is way to proud and arrogant to admit to being brought down by another man - he would most definitely lie and claim that the only thing that brought him down was the trickery of a greyling. Only a greyling would have the impertinence to shoot down a man of /such/ high rank and status. Thus he will forever claim to have been maimed by a greyling.
Sounds good to me! ;)