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A Letter


Lord of Altera
A letter is delivered to many Forest Elves. Word may spread; this may become common knowledge. Also- a
more readable, non letter style of writing can be found a few posts down!

Elves of the Forest,

For years, our people have been scattered throughout Altera. Alone and isolated, what little kinship we have was lost to the winds of time. There is no unified body of Elves, no lands to call our own, no safe haven from the dangers of the world.

Brethren, it pains me to see our race so severed from its roots, and yet to mine eyes there is a simple solution. This new world we have found ourselves in boasts fertile grasslands and verdant forests. A new home for our people is here, amongst the trees, where we belong.

Saeradan used to be a word that every Elf knew; it was recognized by all Men, Dwarves, and other denizens of Altera. The Elves reigned in their fertile kingdoms, until Saeradan fell, as so many great powers do, with a line of Royalty.

We aim to right Saeradan’s wrongs. As some of the few left of the House name, we claim Saeradan reborn; risen from the ashes to mark a new chapter of Elven history. We offer safety, prosperity and peace for those Elves who desire it. We offer the return of our rich culture, but do not shun those who wish to retain what they have found alongst the mainlands.

Tauredal was once our home, and so it shall be once more. If you wish to live among others of your kin in a safe haven; if you wish only to live out your days hunting in our teeming forests; if you wish to see the greatest gifts Shalherana has granted our race; you are welcome here.

Speak to Tarron Saeradan of the Engem, or Ced J’sera of the Rangers for more information.

~The Council of Saeradan
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Lord of Altera
*More readable version*​

Elves of the Forest,
For years, our people have been scattered throughout Altera. Alone and isolated, what little kinship we have was lost to the winds of time. There is no unified body of Elves, no lands to call our own, no safe haven from the dangers of the world.

Brethren, it pains me to see our race so severed from its roots, and yet to mine eyes there is a simple solution. This new world we have found ourselves in boasts fertile grasslands and verdant forests. A new home for our people is here, amongst the trees, where we belong.

Saeradan used to be a word that every Elf knew; it was recognized by all Men, Dwarves, and other denizens of Altera. The Elves reigned in their fertile kingdoms, until Saeradan fell, as so many great powers do, with a line of Royalty.

We aim to right Saeradan’s wrongs. As some of the few left of the House name, we claim Saeradan reborn; risen from the ashes to mark a new chapter of Elven history. We offer safety, prosperity and peace for those Elves who desire it. We offer the return of our rich culture, but do not shun those who wish to retain what they have found alongst the mainlands.

Tauredal was once our home, and so it shall be once more. If you wish to live among others of your kin in a safe haven; if you wish only to live out your days hunting in our teeming forests; if you wish to see the greatest gifts Shalherana has granted our race; you are welcome here.

Speak to Tarron Saeradan of the Engem, or Ced J’sera of the Rangers for more information.

~The Council of Saeradan