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A Most Mundane Message


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I think I might like it here
As you enter Port Silver, either to sate your alcoholism, interact with an acquaintance, or visit the preserved Silver Palace, you see a paper on one of the open walls in the general region of the Dockmaster's Office. The paper does not look extremely worn, and may as well have been stuck there an hour ago for all you can tell. Though, the fraying at the edges would not necessarily indicate a mint condition. Clearly, this poster was not planted with too much care, as one of the top corners peels away from the wall ever so slightly. In the middle of the flier, which is no larger than any other flier one might see, sits a single word, written in a hand unfamiliar to you:


It's probably nothing of any importance to you. You shouldn't pay it much attention...


I think I might like it here
On another day on which you happen to head into Port Silver, you notice another peculiar flier upon the wall. Everything about such a simple scrap of paper seems incongruous. The frayed edges and hasty adhesion to the wall leave a few creases around the edge, and it still seems not to have been put up any more than a few hours ago. And yet, in spite of the slapdash appearance, the singular word, a new one this time, still bears the eerily well-formed handwriting, the strokes and lines works of art in their own respects:


But still, nothing very remarkable can be found about this paper aside from how unsettlingly ordinary it is. The words might mean something, but who cares? Come to think of it, you hardly even remember what the last silly flier said. 'Maybe' or some rubbish like that. It's still probably not very important...
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I think I might like it here
Back in Port Silver for another day, you might happen to find yourself wondering about the continuation of almost perfectly ordinary set of fliers that has been adorning one particular wall in Port Silver. You may see a passerby give it a second glance as you approach, possibly having seen one of its earlier iterations. The perfectly off-white paper on which it is written gives that same impression of both caring deeply and not caring. As you investigate, purely out of curiosity, for which nobody can blame you at all, you see the word:


Odd choice of word, but no more strange than the rest. Oh well, it probably shouldn't have any effect on your life. Though, strangers might eye each other with a slightly increased level of suspicion after viewing their third installment...
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I think I might like it here
You're back in Port Silver for...something. You definitely didn't come just to stare at a single word on a flier. It's nothing more than a regular piece of paper, but somehow it makes all the nearby people a little uneasy. Everyone studies the word, then studies the expressions of those around them, each of their fellow citizens now a suspect of this...well, there's actually nothing illegal about it. But surely someone can't just go about posting words on walls for no reason! Oh well, since plenty of others are doing it, you might as well check for a new word. You find, as before, a flier, neat yet hasty in its application. Such a peculiar sight would not stand out if there were not so little information to start with. The black ink on the off-white, in a hand you could have sworn sort of resembles your uncle's friend's neighbor's a little bit reads:


There, your curiosity is satisfied...partially...
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The Court Jester
Retired Staff
*Waits silently beneath the thread, poised to catch any dropped pennies with growing anticipation*


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
At first I was all like "What is das?" I didn't know where this was going or what it meant. Now I am seriously interested in what it all means...


Lord of Altera
Paolo would not have noticed these, had he not been grabbing most all flyers off walls in the hope of finding a job.