Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A Promotional Roleplay


The Ghost of Altera
I was thinking about doing a roleplay where the people participating are on teamspeak and we record both video and audio and upload it to youtube to show the main roleplay aspect of our server. It can be funny serious or whatever. Just people talking to each other in character on teamspeak


The Ghost of Altera
Ok might get fr3 to record and upload it. But who would be in it. What would the plot be? What would we call it?


Roleplay keeper
*lifts eye brow* dont think that just becuz im got at spelling when i sing it meens im good at it when i talk


Legend of Altera
I enjoy the idea of finally bringing TeamSpeak into the roleplay aspect of this server.

If the purpose of this roleplay is to promote our server, then it's essential we incorporate all of HollowWorld's most significant and iconic features. When I think of HollowWorld, the most obvious icons are
-Port Silver
-The Community
-Queen Grief and her enemies
We need to think of some sort of story line that involves all of these (and more, from suggestions) that is still compatible with TeamSpeak. Given time, I could develop something of a plot that would entice the typical YouTube prowler.

If we're going to utilize TeamSpeak, then there's no way we could neglect the fact we have to have a narrator. This person will be covering the time lapses in the story and adding flavor to the promotion with a personal camp-fire story feel. This should be somebody with the most highquality microphone, so that we don't ruin the promotion with a low-quality narration. This person should also have a voice that suits the type of story (for example, we can't have an Arnold Shwartsenmuscletone when the story is about love and tragedy).

To incorporate the community that doesn't have TeamSpeak, we could always just do panning shots of a big crowd of players or individual ones as needed. With their permission, we could always do voice overs as well.

This is all I could come up with for the time given to me, but I'll be monitoring this and adding regularly.