Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Alphaknight77's Character Profile


Name: Alpha Armoria
Nickname/Alias: The Alphaknight
Age: 28
Weight:250 (in muscle not fat)
Hair:Dark Brown curly short
Skin:A light brownish color
Identifying Marks: A tattoo of a seal on the palm of his left hand, scars around his body, and his armor his father gave him that belonged to a great warrior
Appearance:Tall, a bit muscular, serious
Strengths:The night and rage
Weaknesses and fears: Weakness: Memories of the War Fear: The death of his loved ones
Religion and cults:Believes in the Christian god but lost the love for him
Profession: Knight, Assassin
Back story: He was born in a peaceful country. A country that was wealthy and had the latest advances in technology (medieval technology that is) He lived a normal childhood and when his early adulthood came, a rival country invaded and started a war. As a proud patriot he signed up for the war. The peaceful country didn't have an army sense it had remained peaceful through out its life-span so it was beaten easily. Few survived (alpha among them). In the war alpha was scarred with fear. The war made him lose a lot of people he used to hold dearly. His heart adapted to not show nor feel any emotion. Now he spends his days looking for the will to love and the will to live. He is a man who deep inside wants the ability to smile, cry, and love but lost it during the war.
Explanation to race: Just a regular human. He has the ability to do seemingly impossible things because of his motivation to feel emotion and conditioning that his mind and body went to in the war.
Edit: I changed the profile to be a little more realistic (less of a knight in shining armor) and to go a little bit more with the MUDs I play. I've gotten better at role-playing thanks to the MUDs and playing Dota.