Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Alt account issue


Lord of Altera
So, my alt account Emjly has had a password change. As such, I can no longer use the nickname Mist for my alt I DO own, Ellysus.

If you could, can you remove Emjly from the whitelist, and enable me to use that nickname again?


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
So, my alt account Emjly has had a password change. As such, I can no longer use the nickname Mist for my alt I DO own, Ellysus.

If you could, can you remove Emjly from the whitelist, and enable me to use that nickname again?
beep boop, done

I unfortunately cannot fix the nickname issue- @SallyPirate might be able to. If you can catch me online, I can set your nickname the same as someone whos already using it, though :D


Lord of Altera
Thanks, and yes Michcat, that would also fix it, but Sally's solution would probably work better. Thank you guys for being quick on this. :D