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Altera Chronicles, Book VII Chapter I: The Exodus


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Taken from the Altera Chronicles, Book VII: The Exodus, Chapter 1
Text by Thyrin, Grand Scribe

PC1212. Cherbert paced up and down in his bedroom, the occasional tired sigh escaping his lips. He looked out of the window at the dying sunset, an orange band wrapped around the horizon.
He shook himself free of the image of beauty and studied his map. When he and the other Alterans first came to this world, High King Cherbert knew that there was corruption here, a dark entity that slowly crept over the land, knew of its existance, but had not predicted how swiftly it would begin to infect the land. Now it was on the doorstep of mainland Altera, and swift action had to be taken.
Credits for the text: Itzzaboy


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Taken from the Altera Chronicles, Book VII: The Exodus, Chapter 2
Text by Thyrin, Grand Scribe
The council chamber of Stone Keep was a large, foreboding room with a large, gold trimmed oak table in the centre. Nine figures sat around the table, the High Kings and High Queen of Altera, of which there were Cherbert, Sherbzz, Steelcryo, Ikbenlars, Aug, Fencible, Magus Bellon, Cubeydoom and Ducati. These nine people held the future of Altera in their hands, and that very future was what they were here to discuss.

Many minutes of tos and fros, of debating and arguing, and the topic fell on a special tool in the possession of High King Cherbert. A magical crystalline ball, but this was no ordinary sphere of glass, this tool contained extremely powerful magicks, so powerful, that with the right methods you could shape continents with a few steady hand movements and some advanced spellcasting.

The corruption was spreading at an alarming rate, and no matter what these nine powerful people did, they knew it was futile to try and stop it. Instead, it was decided that the only way to survive was to escape, to flee to a place free of such darkness, one where all Alterans could live in relative peace and harmony.

But this was not possible, the other High Kings claimed, the corruption would spread over the entire planet, with nowehere to hide. That, High King Cherbert explained, was where the crystal ball, named an "Aisel", came in. Together, the High Kings would create a new world in which to flee from the spreading doom.

So the High Kings worked into the night with this new tool, moulding mountains like clay, spreading deserts like bread dough, creating oceans as if pouring water from a bucket, the sun began to rise, a new day
Credits for the text: Itzzaboy


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Taken from the Altera Chronicles, Book VII: The Exodus, Chapter 3
Text by Thyrin, Grand Scribe
The sun beamed down upon the nine as they walked into the open air, a complete illusion to the true darkness that would soon blanket the land. Time was running out and getting everyone out was the first priority. A golden gate had earlier that week been constructed by two of the more refined mages of the group, Sir Ducati and Magus Bellon, and would house a portal, a gateway into a new realm free of corruption.
The nine stood in a circle around this artistic gate and focused, clouds blocked out the sun as magical energies flowed out from their bodies, lightning began to strike the area, colours, lights and shapes colliding in the centre like currents in a whirlpool, thrashing and writhing, like enraged animals, culminating into a single, white shine. The shine expanded, golden energies flowed out, hindering the High Kings, but not stopping them. Against this pure energy they endured, holding out until their task was complete, days and nights passed, no food, no rest, just total focus and concentration, thinking of nothing...
Nothing but a new world...
Six days to the casting and it was complete. Drained but elated, they observed their handiwork. The Gateway had an ethereal, golden shine that radiated power and invited comfort and safety. Together, the nine High Kings stepped into the light.
When the light faded, the nine were greeted by a view of breathtaking beauty. Atop a mountain, the ocean ripples and glides beneath them, bathed in a fantastic orange light from the most gorgeous sunset the group had ever seen. A new land, a new start.
And a name for the area had already arrived in Cherbert's mind, a memorial to old Altera in the tongue of old.
This place was to be christened Galo Gulch.
Credits for the text: Itzzaboy


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Taken from the Altera Chronicles, Book VII: The Exodus, Chapter 4
Text by Thyrin, Grand Scribe
As the fantastic scenery resonated in the minds of the nine High Kings, they knew, even if only temporarily, they had to go back. They had to leave this wonderous please to fulfill the objective that brought them here in the first place, to save everyone and rebuild their lives, to rebuild Altera.

Ten minutes later they had returned to Altera, messages had been sent to a chosen group of people and they were now standing in a line in front of the High Kings. High King Steel addressed them first.

"What I am about to tell you is highly secret, but knowing how the rumours escalate among the peasantry I'm guessing you already have a gist of what evil is about to grip our land, and what we plan to do to stop it." Steel said, his words resounding around the area. "But I will explain anyway. The corruption of the Nether has spread far further than we first anticipated and is travelling at a much faster rate. We have created a new world and plan to move people there, but to stop our new civilization disolving into anarchy, i've chosen you, a group of the most trusted and brilliant leaders of Altera, to lead the population as we rebuild."

Steel took a deep breath, years of age falling from it like leaves from the autumn tree, the effort to create the portal had taken its toll on the nine of them, and Steel was no longer the young man he once was. He carried on.

"I wont sugarcoat it, it would take many years to transfer all of our infrastructure to this new world, and we just don't have the time, so, we will only move that what we believe is necessary to the proper functioning of Altera and no more. Even then it will take months, but we believe it will be enough time until the darkness is able to swallow this land. First things first, we need a base camp in this new world from which we can explore and expand. You have been chosen, in secrecy, to accompany us to the new realm."

Steel observed the group, and to his surprise, none of them looked afraid, fear was scarce on the faces of these men and women, and for a moment reminded Steel of the armies he had led in the First Great War. With a beckon, all of the chosen group were lead to the portal, and one by one they entered, the same look of determination and fearlessness on all their faces.
Credits for the text: Itzzaboy