Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Altera map, continent names, key location names.


Lord of Altera
I was just looking at the world map, and was curious to know...
Do we have names for the Midland mountains?
The desert island in the south?

Basically are there continent names or key location names?


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
I think it was suggested, and there are certainly unofficial names for these regions, but I don't know if there is anything officially agreed upon.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I imagine if your town/city/village/kingdom rests there, no ones going to object t'yer naming them.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
*is going to go on an exploration naming every forest and mountain range he finds*
I think you'll find certain pointy eared folk and certain short of stature folk would have a problem with that.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Things naturally get different names over time. For example, people speaking different languages call places by different names. I am of opinion (near worthless, but an opinion nonetheless) that places should not have "official" names unless specified by staff or the region owner.

Things sometimes deliberately get renamed. For example, I think it would be kinda cool if the corrupted call Port Silver something different than what the regulars call it.

Things get nicknames. For example, my character calls the lower district of PS "Lowerton" and the upper district "Upperton." It evolved from upper district to upper town to upperton out of sheer laziness and confusion about its actual name.
In medieval England, there wasn't an official word for most things, let alone place names :D 'Egg' had something like 300 different names- Moving 50 miles to your West would be like moving to France- Utterly different languages!


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
In medieval England, there wasn't an official word for most things, let alone place names :D 'Egg' had something like 300 different names- Moving 50 miles to your West would be like moving to France- Utterly different languages!
I see the North still hasn't gotten beyond that stage then?
Go even 50 meters and you've got entirely different dialects.