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Alternative Justice of the Chevaliers


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Right what it says on the tin. From this point onwards, people are going to be given a choice before trial. They can either roll "Jax's Lucky Die," or go through a traditional trial. Thusly, here is the basis for the lucky die:

It is a large fourteen-sided die. It is made of silver, and on each side a symbol for a deity of the pantheon is engraved- except for Jishrim. If the convict chooses to take the route of the alternative justice, the die is rolled, and the severity of the crime along with what deity it rolls upon decide their punishment.

The scale for severity is as follows:

One) Very minor, often victimless crimes. In the case of a victim being unavailable and the punishment calling for a decision from one, one of the Wardens decides. If the victim of the lying so chooses, lying in a professional environment is potentially illegal.
Two) Assault without the possibility of a fatality. Robbery of an item that is moderately expensive. Things of this nature. Repetition of first degree crimes. Vandalism. Lying in court.
Three) Robbery of a high-value item. Potentially fatal assault. Repetition of second degree crimes. Violently resisting arrest.
Four) Attempted murder. Treason, terrorism. Things like this. Resisting a god's will is, also, considered to be a major crime. (Such as: Trying to run away after you find the die has not rolled onto Sallana.) Severe torture, including attempts to do so.

Do note: In certain cases, the Wardens are permitted to change the severity of a crime as they see fit.

Do note #2: Criminals who have already rolled the dice, upon choosing to do so for each time thereafter, shall not be scaled for severity as first-time users are. Nwalme chooses the scale of their crimes.

Now as to the specific punishments, based on the gods:

One) The criminal is tied in such a fashion that his back faces the sun throughout the day, and he is left to blister and burn.
Two) A sun is tattoo'd onto the victim's forehead, and if it found somehow removed at a later date, branded.
Three) The criminal is forced to stare at the sun until they become blind.
Four) The criminal is lashed to an open area, and given no food nor water, as he bakes beneath the sun whilst awaiting death.

One) The criminal is lashed fifty times with a green branch.
Two) The victim is presented with a selection of potions. The criminal shall be forced to digest whichever one the victim chooses.
Three) The criminal is subjected to a wild animal of the victim's choosing.
Four) .. The criminal is made into a tree.

One - Four) A punishment of Rex of Lonmar's choosing.

One) If the criminal is found with any description of weapon within the boundaries of Port Silver, he is to be arrested as if he committed a crime of the second degree.
Two) The criminal is given a sword, as is a combatant of the victim's choosing. The two are then to fight to the death. Neither are permitted armor.
Three) As two, but the criminal is to face two combatants.
Four) The criminal is given a spear. He is then to face three combatants, armed and armored to their choosing.

One - Four) The victim chooses the punishment. They are given a very slight urge to 'turn the other cheek,' but ultimately it is their choice.

One) A coin is hammered into a hand of your choice, all the way through.
Two) The criminal i forced into indentured servitude to either the Chevaliers, or the victim, whichever the victim chooses. This lasts one week, IC time.
Three) Tied to the front of a trading galley for one
Four) Tied to a horse, that goes about it's business, until the criminal is dead.
Four) As two, but the time scales up to a month. And during this time, the criminal cannot refuse a task, on the threat of being subjected to a re-roll.

One - Four) Flip a coin. If tails, the criminal is set free, and nothing bad occurs to him. If heads, the criminal is subjected to the fourth tier Harateth punishment.

She Who is Beyond names:
One - Two) Her symbol is tattoo'd onto the back of each hand.
Three) [Redacted]
Four) The criminal is sent on a quest to touch Legion's door.

The Grey Lady:
One - Four) The criminal is made to take part in a more traditional trial, and not given the choice to roll once more during this particular case.

One) The criminal is forced into a duel against a combatant chosen by the Wardens. Both are given melee weaponry of their choice, and the combatant chosen by the Wardens may demand a stop to the duel at any point.
Two) The criminal is given equipment identical to the combatant chosen.
Three) The criminal is given a dagger, to face the combatant with weaponry of his choice.
Four) The criminal is given no weaponry, nor armor.

One) The criminal is shot with a blunted arrow.
Two) Three archers are assembled. They are then given blunted arrows, and are then instructed to pummel the criminal until the victim either calls for mercy, or they run out of arrows.
Three) Roll again.
Four) The criminal is given an IC hour. After this hour, he is set upon by a single hunter and a team of dogs. If he not is found before the hunter gives up, he is considered a free man. If he is found, the exact way he is dealt with will be determined by the hunter in question.

One - Four) The victim, or the victim's surviving family, are permitted to choose the criminal's exact punishment.

One) The smashing of a finger.
Two) The smashing of the right hand.
Three) The smashing of both hands.
Four) The crippling of the elbows and knees.

One - Four) The criminal is made to fight a combatant of the Wardens' choosing, if the chosen combatant dies first, the criminal is set free after medical treatment. If both die, oh well.

.. holy god, this thread took a long time to write up, @FrostGuardian.
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Lord of Altera
The fourth tier Skraag roll does not sound so awful, anyway to make it more... challenging?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
The fourth tier Skraag roll does not sound so awful, anyway to make it more... challenging?
I generally RP the Sorrowlands to be an absurdly dangerous place without the bandits. Somewhere filled to the brim with poisonous stuff, deadly animals, and not to mention nights filled with abominations who would love nothing more than to eat you or explode you.

Edit: And, if nothing else, the odds being really high that you don't know how to fix infections if you get cut.


Retired Staff
Korog: Stuff involving building. E.g for level 4 the criminal is immured inside a construction, for level 2 forced to wear a metal mask or some such.


Shalherana's should definitely be less death-y.

Just my opinion, though :p