Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Amelioration in Pursuit of Gods


is Barken

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To all proficient of Arcane ability,

I hope and presume that this letter finds each of you in good health. I write you in earnest to ask a colossal favor of some friends and some strangers, to imbue a vessel with painfully lost life.

A brother, an heir, and trusted by loved ones to deliver pragmatic leadership. Who we have lost, we cannot replace.

I ask you to attend a meeting in the Fortress Oren, amidst a council of your peers, to take our action in support of the Ashen Truth.

With duty,
Richard Varyn

(OOC Note: This letter is delivered to the residences of Nwalme Fuvur, Nikolche Variclav, Lilith Alraun, Clement, Quill Emiryn, and Joseph Seeker.)
blargtheawesome Niko Arcana Elt
Juvix_ JoeJoe