Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Appeal Derek Aslath

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Jeremy Dennis

Lord of Altera
I'm back, and ready to appeal, i never really knew the full reason for my ban, but it was along the lines of unsuitable conduct, which i have dramatically changed, i am alot more mature and lately been bored in between working and volunteering, and i miss the role-playing on the server. So please consider un banning me as i will not be the same person i was. I think it was that i was slightly drunk, but the thing was i did nothing to break the rules, i didn't grief, i didn't cuss, and i didn't break any in game rules, i was banned simply for being drunk even though it wasn't affecting the in game chat AT ALL, i was chopping down wood than got banned saying unsuitable conduct, i would like this re opened at least because i think rumors got the best of the server and i was banned due to rumors thank you


I'm willing to let you back on on probation. I can monitor what you say ingame. You should not go on teamspeak though since that is how the whole problem started.


Alright. Stay off teamspeak, you should be able to log back in now.


He have failed to follow the rules, I had to ban him, requested from sherbzz... He was rude to say "shut up kid" and "wtf" that reminds me of old time... Does not work well.

You may unban him if you like, Lars.
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