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Appeal for Hungryforgames

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Lord of Altera
I made a thread about this around the time it happened, but I don't think it was a very good appeal for unbanning.

Around two weeks ago I was banned under the Southern Wilds Spawn Situation. I figured that I was proven innocent, and was going to be un-banned. But something in my chat logs caught the admins attention and the ban stayed.

Now, I don't know what it was exactly that were in my logs, besides it having to do with language. So I think it's safe to assume that I was swearing. I will completely take the blame for anything said and I am sorry, but on a regular basis I don't swear at all. It was my first time getting into any kind of trouble on the server, I've never been temp banned, and I've only ever gotten ONE warning in my whole time on Hollowworld (which was approximately a month). In my opinion, one offense(Especially one like language) is not worth a permanent ban. Actually, reading through some other ban appeals I see that some people have gotten off with saying tons of curse words.

Please take my appeal into consideration. I really do apologize for anything I have done, or anything I have said, because obviously it had to have been bad enough or I wouldn't be in this situation. I love this server, and the people on it. I was and still am planning on staying with Hollowworld for as long as it lives, and I would love a second chance to do that.

Thank you for your time spent reading this and I hope you can give me another chance


The Anime loving Brony
I'm pretty sure I remember reading the chat logs that had you banned. It was bad, really, really, really bad. So I don't think you'll be getting back on.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Awwwww Swearing isnt worth anything but a slap from itzza and a kick from bette!
unban him ;[


I made a thread about this around the time it happened, but I don't think it was a very good appeal for unbanning.

Around two weeks ago I was banned under the Southern Wilds Spawn Situation. I figured that I was proven innocent, and was going to be un-banned. But something in my chat logs caught the admins attention and the ban stayed.

Now, I don't know what it was exactly that were in my logs, besides it having to do with language. So I think it's safe to assume that I was swearing. I will completely take the blame for anything said and I am sorry, but on a regular basis I don't swear at all. It was my first time getting into any kind of trouble on the server, I've never been temp banned, and I've only ever gotten ONE warning in my whole time on Hollowworld (which was approximately a month). In my opinion, one offense(Especially one like language) is not worth a permanent ban. Actually, reading through some other ban appeals I see that some people have gotten off with saying tons of curse words.

Please take my appeal into consideration. I really do apologize for anything I have done, or anything I have said, because obviously it had to have been bad enough or I wouldn't be in this situation. I love this server, and the people on it. I was and still am planning on staying with Hollowworld for as long as it lives, and I would love a second chance to do that.

Thank you for your time spent reading this and I hope you can give me another chance
You were kept banned because of the general attitude you were showing in the chat logs. Admittely not much worse than some other people on our server, but it's not the kind of 'example' we try to attract to our server. That in combination with the situation in the Wilds, it was decided to keep you banned.

Since you've appealed in a proper manner and apologized for what you have done, and given the fact others were let off the hook for the situation in the wilds I will give you a second chance. I will personally keep an eye on you so the decision can be reversed easily if I am proven to be wrong.

Stick to the rules and enjoy your time on the server.
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