Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Appeal for unbanning darkwave8892


Ok what hapened is I whent away from my computer and I come back dead and then I'm baned for god mod and greifing in a no pvp zone where I can't destory stuff?


King ForumStalker
hm... this is getting insane.

You see, I went to the sorrowlands to deliver some stone bricks, and I see you in a pool of lava, while the encampment made of wool around you is burning down while darth is trying to put it out.

Darth has since said that he was the one who put the lava down. There is a glitch where you appear as a person in the area you died in during lag.

My mistake, I will unban you now.


King ForumStalker
only a little, darth has apologized for it and offered to replace the wool, he didnt mean to.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Ok, no problems then.
But why is build on in that portion of the sorrows?