Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Appeal for unbanning- The regret is killing me!

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Alex the Strange

Loyal Servant of Altera
I feel so sorry for defacing the kings playground the team of admins feels so strongly about. Never did I realise The actions I carried would have such a profound affect on you all, and I can't stress enough how guilty I feel, I was foolish and reckless and it has upset so many individuals, I should have acted responsibly and asked to be removed from the world instantly, temptation got the better of me.

This post may seem like begging from one who is desperate to go back onto the server, and right now I would be willing to, I enjoy the hollow world experience more then any other server. Please accept my many apologies as it is all I can give.

I would be so greatful if I were unbanned.


If you are so passionate about playing on our server, come back in 2 weeks and appeal again.


King ForumStalker
Corey your posts are frankly becoming a nuisance as they arent helpful and just spam. Stop posting useless crap on peoples ban appeals unless you have something useful to add or risk losing your forum priveledges.
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