Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Four months ago I let my friend play Minecraft while I took a shower. He installed Xray along with other Hacks. He got on this server and used Xray. I deem myself responsible for his actions, as I shouldn't have shared my account, but this was before the new "No-Sharing" rule was posted. I know that Xray is an insta-ban, I know that he could've ruined the gaming experience for plenty of players, and I know what he did was wrong, but and Insta-Ban should not be considered a Perma-Ban. Please consider me for a second chance, as I believe all people should have one. If you do consider my request, I will continue to monitor my profile more carefully. I am a hardcore roleplayer, and I contributed alot of it to the server in my short time playing. Again, please consider me for unbanning, please consider taking me back. Everything my friend accquired using Xray I will donate to newcomers at Port Silver.

With Sincere Apologies,
Ethan Gummere
IGN: ethangummere

(As an incentive, I WILL donate to be able to play, however, you the admins must agree to this.
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