Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Application [Approved - Sally]

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1. My nickname is Diagrian
2. My real name is Constantine
3. Im 23 years old.
4. Im men!
5. Currently i live in Estonia.SOmetimes i live in Sweden.My parents went there.

6. Im agree with the rules and i accept them.

7. We often hawe Live action role play (LARP) Also im doing historical reanactment.

8. Im russian guy. I like role playing . It fun, and its very rare to find a rare role playing game.
Uhh..Its kinda hard to write so much) I do sport, i dont drink i dont smoke) i dont take drugs)

My nickname Diagrian is popular in Enternet.So if you would like to see me, find me or just get more info you can easily found me in any game or youtube or in google. THe nickname Diagrian i think out myself so in whole world im the only one with such nickname.Mmm. I like all kind of good music. My english is not perfect but i keep practice. Me and my friend -FreeHugsHere were searching for something like this. And if you accept us, we will be very happy to join your world.I hawe a job)so im responsible guy).Ahhh...cant wait to get approve.

9.Yes i hawe my work. I did a pirate.

10. I hope you made a really awesome world . ANd the server is full of people who really like to roleplay.

11. Im not afraid of anything. I accept everything as it is.

12. I find it on site minecraftserverlist or something like that. Thanks to google!


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