Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Applications for Villagers

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The Watcher
Citizens your land needs you! For to long have we been ruled over with an iron first by the dark lords and their king, squeezed dry of our earnings for their profit. I say NO MORE! We will rise up in rebellion against the dictatorship and tear down that walls of Castle Corbenic, taking back everything we own by right!

I hereby place a bounty upon the head of the King of 100,000 silver and the title of Champion of Corbenic!




Why you are here:


King of Quests

Why you are here:To test my abilities as a spy and assassin on those dictator-like nobility


Legend of Altera
Name: billybob579

Why are you here: The population of my island has long struggled under the oppressive rule of the tyrants of this land. We have long sought to become an official town and receive the protection of the crown. Now, we have had enough! I wish to take revenge on these dictators and tear down the castle Corbenic!


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Name: Legion9191

Why you are here: I wanna have fun, earn some money and prove to all that i am master of Minecraft battle mechanics. The part where i get to kill admins is just icing on the cake.


Lord of Altera
so for real this time

name: oblivionsbane

why are you here: I come from far away lands, lands of freedom that were destroyed and obliterated by the forces of evil. Why am i here? Because i know the current crown will not be able to handle the swarming tide of evil and death that is rolling straight for them. They are ignorant to this threat, but have known about it for long. The people of this kingdom, no, this world, need a king and royal staff that will be able to handle all forces and all terrors that have already circled around this kingdom. This battle will decide the future of Hollow World, let good prevail.


I think I might like it here
Name: mr_sofa

Why you are here: My land has too long been paying taxes to the kings who waste it on big ships and castles.
WE have empty markets, no wood, no wool no working materials, only redstone!
Food! no food we have to make food ourselfs
And of course bad weather! If the kings are gods why dont they stop the rain!
And How log I had to look for wool, the kings have stacks of it and didnt want to give me any!
Down with the current sistem! and Bring peace!


Legend of Altera
Name: Lutheranus

Why am I here?: Well, I am here to forfill the promise I made to my mother before she died! I will defeat the Lords and earn money to give her a grave!
Why I am Here-To Become Champion Of Hollowworld!

I have read the rules now

Um I dont belive my namee is smiley face arkoth Darckoth im man enough to say thats my bad


Sorrows Warrior
Name: Meganperk

What is your quest: To find the Holy Grail.

Actually just wanna have fun with the group :3 i like my title more

Leo Fikes

Loyal Servant of Altera

Why you are here: I'm here because I would like to test my skills against the lords. When they fall so will all their little lackeys that follow their every whim and because I rather tear their land from them so that way I can have some say in the coming system. I don't fear defeat because I will not die I still have things I must do.
Name: Axel_theKiller

Why you here: well for the money and the title of course...but because i want to test my abilities against those *false* Lords!! to become Champion!!


I think I might like it here
Name: Cobalte

Why you are here: Sons and daughters of Altera, I am Cobalte. And I see a whole army of my countrymen - here - in defiance of tyranny. You have come to fight as free men and women, and free men and women you are! What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?
No, but seriously, this sounds like a ton of fun and it'd be some extreme roleplay action. And of course there is a reward.



Name: Bela94

Why you are here: Trying my luck and for trying to get something and I want to fight.


name pookmohone

why i am here?? i need this title to rise from a life in poverty where i have slaved for the lords and kings!!! i shall have revenge!!!!

Bob Jones

I think I might like it here
Name: QuickFi

Why you are here: To avenge the money stripped of me and to take back what belongs to us!!!


Name: Space3045

Why you are here: I have been assigned a mission by my master, I must to kill a king in order for me to progress in my training as a young apprentice in the art of assassination.
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