Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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assassin of the night

Gun ace4458

Name: Jon

Nickname/Alias:Gun Ace4458

Eyes: Unknow
Identifying Marks: Unknow
Appearance: Assassin

Back Ground
I born to a life of a noble. My father a wealthy merchant, my mother was a assistant of to a mayor. We were a small family of 3 me my sister Elisa, and Elliot. I stood by as I watch my family being execution for crimes they did not comment. In that moment i could have ruan away live a peaceful life but I choose the path to become a master at the art of assassination. Killing those who had betrayed my family and sent them to there deaths. My revenge is never ending, never dying, and will never be quick and painless to those I kill. I Have only one purpose in life and I use it to kill behind the shadows of the night.