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Lord of Altera
So, my new character; Raphel Olsen, is athsmatic. However, I don't know any medications that would be used back then for athsma. Any ideas?


Retired Staff
Well, from what I read, even in the most medically advanced regions of the world it boiled down to "don't have asthma". No medications existed.


Retired Staff
Well, the most advanced stuff at the time basically said "Don't breathe particulate air, don't overexert yourself, and stay indoors if possible."

People didn't generally die of asthma since it was quite rare back then, they just had a really unpleasant time.


Dead Man Walking
Athsma? Stick a tube in your throat! Deaf? Hammer a wooden dowel into your ears to open them up! Infection? YOU'RE DEAD.

Welcome to the middle ages! :D


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Welp, this gives them phosisticated healers ideas on what to invent next...?


Lord of Altera

If he's lived all his life with it then he should know his triggers
(Common triggers are exercise, dust and smoke, incense as well, animal hair, grass/flowers, cold & flus)
and be cautious of them at most- Asthma (Depending on severity) doesn't usually react to ALL of the triggers (for example, mine are colds and flu and exercise, my sister reacted to plants/flowers)

As far as I know, Asthma didn't have any treatment back then- so a good non-medication treatment would be standing or sitting in a place where the wind can hit your face, taking deep breaths- it usually takes 20 minutes to an hour before the wheezing fades

He should also avoid having anything too tight around his neck and I doubt he could wear armor at all if his trigger is exercise- (For short bursts it's possible, but long term definitely not-)

Also depending on severity- some asthmatics (*points to self V_V*) can wake up in a coughing fit or wheezing, finding it difficult to breathe- and have to sit up to make sure they can breathe properly, repeat back to 20 minutes - an hour-


Lord of Altera
(Actually I'm on a preventative after my last hospitalization- so I don't get symptoms anymore, had to read Wikipedia because I'm THAT forgetful-)
Asthma is characterized by recurrent episodes of wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing.[16] Sputum may be produced from the lung by coughing but is often hard to bring up.
I forgot about the chest tightness and sputum- but the chest tightness is the main reason your character should want to keep things away from his neck~


Lord of Altera
It depends on severity, Medieval times (Especially small villages) Would have less smoke and pollution to trigger serious reactions. If he gets wheezy from a run then I think it's fair to say it'd be more to his overall health (If he's not of average weight/fitness) than Asthma