Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Auction Done] Gothic Manor and/or small region


Lord of Altera
The title explains most of it, I have a gothic manor for sale and possibly a small region to go with it. Reason for sale? I don't use them anymore and would rather have money. Should you buy the manor only, you will have to cover the W.E. cost by yourself.
The current location for both is: X:4320 Y:65 Z:5350

Details about each auction can be seen in their proper section. They will individually end 48 hours after the last bid. Good luck to every contestant, please always specify what you're bidding for since both are sold independently! There will be a 10% reduction if you buy the two together. All money placed in bids must be available at the time of the auction's end.

The manor contains:
- A front door and an entrance room.
- A kitchen.
- A food storage.
- A dinning hall (With big fireplace).
- An empty room (Used as a throphy room before).
- Four (4) bedrooms (3 have small fireplaces).
- A backdoor with a big balcony.
- A small library.
- A big attic.
- An enchanting room (No table).
- A "watch tower".

It only have basic furnishing inside and will most likely need more. Once purchased, you can do whatever you want with it, from a personal home to some office and a giant bonfire.

Gothic Manor (1).png Gothic Manor (2).png Gothic Manor (3).png Gothic Manor (4).png Gothic Manor (5).png Gothic Manor (6).png Gothic Manor (7).png Gothic Manor (8).png

Starting price: 25,000 Radiants (25K)
Minimum bids of 1000 Radiants (1K)

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The region:
- Have 29 plots.
- Is in a light spruce forest.
- Is in sight of a forest.
- Is in sight of a snowy area.
- Have direct access to a river.
- Have a somewhat cleared path to/from Tahkul Rimtar.
- Is fairly isolated.
- Near fields flat enough for farming.

What is done with the region is none of my concerns, do as well as you please.

Map (1).png Map (2).png

Starting price: 65,000 Radiants (65K) (This is the refunding amount, the original cost was 120,000 radiants)
Minimum bids of 1000 Radiants (1K)
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Lord of Altera
Oh, and an important note, please notice that both are sold INDEPENDENTLY one from the other.


Lord of Altera
This gives me an idea, let's place a 10% reduction if someone takes both of them.
Again, I'm really sorry for all this confusion.

Let me tag you, just in case this final change make you reconsider your offer.


I'll bid 90,000 for both. So... 81k, is that right?

Perhaps Morgan can retire and live out the rest of his days without controversy. ;)

Or maybe I'll make merchant monks.
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Alright, so @Lemarc I've sent you 90k rads. If I win the auction I'll happily take it. If not, keep the 90k rads and do what you want with it. Thanks for being a friend. :)


Right. Nobody else bid on this and as per the terms of the auction it looks like I won. As I am taking a break I will not be around to enjoy it, at least for a while. I have already paid Lemarc, as I noted earlier, and I am now instructing him to transfer ownership of the manor to @Ced, who will take care of it while I am on leave.

Unless it has previously been named, I would like to name the manor "Reignfall"