Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Auction: Set of Armour, by the Master Enchanter


Lord of Altera
1) I started a separate thread for this as I anticipate high activity, and don't want to clutter my main shop's thread

2) I will let this run several days, as it is Christmas, and people may be spending time with loved ones.

Greetings, All.

Tis the season for banditry, So why not outfit yourself right! With this set, you'll be nigh invulnerable. Whether you're wreaking havoc on those wretched miners, or boldly defending yourself against the heartless, merciless bandits, This is for you!

Buy this set, and be sure to get yourself a sword to match it. Check my other bills for details.

Unbreaking III
Protection III
Respiration III
Aqua Affinity I

Chest Plate
Unbreaking III
Protection IV

Unbreaking III
Protection IV

Unbreaking III
Protection IV
Feather Falling IV

All Brand new Diamond.

Bidding starts at 10, 000 Radiants. Minimum 1000 radiant raises.


Lord of Altera
Hey, I know this set has sold, but if you have a set similar to this one... just give me a message. :D