Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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back (again) yes again

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I am back again and very pissed off at how minor a matter I had committed yet got got a perma-ban for it. All I did was break a few glass blocks and a glowstone lamp. These may seem painful to replace but it is quite simple really. I was just curious and my texture pack makes glass all hazey so I broke them to see what was behind not think straightly about changing texture pack. I have took time to read the toc and thourughly pick out rules and repeat them in my head. I am assured that if I am not let in yet again I will post another and another and another.
sorry love this server too much.

thanks lots of love.


King of the north!
i really don't get your attitude. Also our server, our rules. Abide by them or get banned. It's not a hard concept to grasp.

Also repeatedly posting ban appeals one after another will just gain you a ban from the forums too.


Lord of Altera
A second chance? You griefed didnt you?! Most other people got their permanent bans from doing that. There are some rules that are looked upon as "more serious" than other. Clearly Griefing cant be a rule you never heard people look easy upon. If you did, then you should have found out what this server thinks of griefers & X-Rayers.
Black magic is forbidden in Altera!


Grand Architect
so you leave the option open to yourself to gried again ?
it seems you dont get it your not wanted around and making new applications all the time makes everyone
mosre frustrated, we are a peacefull community and strife to keep it that way. now be gone remove thy self
I know i am peaceful my curiosity just really kills me in every game evrn in skyrim i kill people to check their inventory-which can be helpful as one time I found many gems:p-but thats only skyrim if im courious from now on I'll ask about something

I swear on my dog pepsi's grave:(


Zalenfal Guardian
Just please leave. You have been banned for a perfectly good reason. You decided to break our rules - now pay the consquences.
A second chance? You griefed didnt you?! Most other people got their permanent bans from doing that. There are some rules that are looked upon as "more serious" than other. Clearly Griefing cant be a rule you never heard people look easy upon. If you did, then you should have found out what this server thinks of griefers & X-Rayers.
Black magic is forbidden in Altera!
this was a permanent ban thats why im trying to lift it because im very upset:(
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