Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Ballads and Sonnets


Lord of Altera
Since my new character is a bard, I figured I may as well write some stuff for the server. Anyone that wants their character, whether old or new, living or otherwise, etc. etc., in a ballad or something, post it here and I'll get to it when I can. Kind of like SallyRose's chibi's, but less active, likely.


Not A Pirate
Retired Staff
I'll take one too if you don't mind. Something about killing and drug dealing and just general crime.


Lord of Altera
The Ballad of Darko Tideborne? Dread Pirate and Crime Lord? Maybe the song would catch on.

Link to Darko's profile in my sig, above the picture.


Lord of Altera
Come, ye, all my fellows and lasses.
Take your heads from the tables and your glasses.
This tale is that of the Pirate Queen.
Keep your attention sharp and your ears keen.
The Pirate Queen's reign was the height of pirate power.
But soon would be the falling hour.
Pirate Queen, where have you gone?
Tired and robbed, the villagers retaliate.
They would no longer take this tirade.
They thought they had won and were oh so clever.
But far from beaten, the Queen returns as fierce as ever.
The Pirate Queen's reign was height of pirate power.
But soon would be the falling hour.
Pirate Queen, where have you gone?
Under the Dwarven King Lynch, the Queen of Pirates did take shelter.
The King demanded a portion of the Queen's plunder.
The Queen rejects the King.
Sounds of war through dwarven halls did ring.
The Pirate Queen's reign was height of pirate power.
But soon would be the falling hour.
Pirate Queen, where have you gone?
As sounds of battle fade far away,
The Queen of Pirates discontinued her stay.
The crews moral had been shattered,
As the loyal members retreated, worn and battered.
The Pirate Queen's reign was height of pirate power.
But soon would be the falling hour.
Pirate Queen, where have you gone?
Gathered again with new crew at hand,
The Queen of Pirates warred with those on land.
The menace of the sea combated with those of ground.
Steel against steel in the air did sound.
The Pirate Queen's reign was height of pirate power.
But soon would be the falling hour.
Pirate Queen, where have you gone?
As the days did age, so did our Queen.
Or perhaps the spark of piracy lost it's sheen.
Whatever the cause, the Queen's tactics had altered.
way from combat she and her crew hardly faltered.
The Pirate Queen's reign was height of pirate power.
But soon would be the falling hour.
Pirate Queen, where have you gone?
Two Queens meet at a ball on Alterian turf.
One of the land and the other of surf.
The Queen of Pirates was impressed by the Alterian Royal.
And to the throne she vowed to be loyal.
The Pirate Queen's reign was height of pirate power.
But soon would be the falling hour.
Pirate Queen, where have you gone?
The Alterian navy had the Queen as commander.
The victories won had never been grander.
Queen Grief was defeated and Altera was protected.
The Queen of Pirates, however, became undetected.
The Pirate Queen's reign was height of pirate power.
But soon would be the falling hour.
Pirate Queen, where have you gone?
With the world safe and sound,
The Queen of Pirates was no where to be found.
Perhaps she stayed behind as the portal did seal.
Maybe she felt with the new world she could not deal. Her legacy is legend and her story is lore.
Because we will see our Pirate Queen no more.

The Pirate Queen's reign was height of pirate power.
But passed now is the falling hour.
Pirate Queen, where have you gone?