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Ban Appeal - Backstay

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Lord of Altera
Hello? I tried to log on today.. And apparently im banned? Reason: "Complete disrespect and idiocy"?
I went on teamspeak. And ItsBryton and Kaies said i got perm banned for griefing in Southern Wilds?

How is that not allowed? PvP and griefing is allowed in Southern Wilds? I don't get why i get banned for a thing which not is against the rules? But. I am really sorry about it. I really dont want to get permanent banned on this server. I was playing in here all the time. I have spent so many months on this server... I don't want to get this thrown away, because of a griefing in southern wilds?
I am willing to come fix it again, by bringing the resources i griefed? They can tell me what i griefed. And i will bring it? But, im really really really sorry about it. I REALLY don't want to get perm banned on here. I have spent many of my money on this server. And i was about to donate again. So please please!! Respond?


Lord of Altera
Oh my.. I can't take this. Im about to cry. I loved this server so much!!! I have no idea what to do now.. Don't know what to play.


King of the north!
You were banned for griefing the spawn area of the wilds. You know its the spawn area and you know its going to be set up as a safe zone eventually so its only logical not to grief the crap out of it. You can do what you want when you are miles away from the spawn but right next to the spawn is a no no.


Cobblestone King


Lord of Altera
Aux... I haven't done that. I have done nothing of that on the pictures. I remember i griefed some houses in the trees. And i had no idea how far away from the spawn area is was. And im not even able to destroy the spawn area? The permissions. And the "chaos holes" was not me. They weren't there when i went there and griefed some houses and the floor and a bit of some wall of a cobble tower. If you want me to, i can type a list of what i griefed.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
I think we need to redefine some rules. I don't specifically remember anyone ever declaring Sorrowlands or Southern Wilds being grief allowed? They are simply not protected and we expect players to act responsibly and with respect.

It doesn't give people the right to go smashing up existing builds or destroying the landscape. I don't have any respect for anyone who thinks just because they can they will knock down someones build even if its just a dirt hut. Its just bad behaviour and doesn't gain you anything and certainly doesn't add anything to the asphetics of the server.

If we did 'allow griefing' which as far as I am concerned we don't (or shouldn't) then the whole world would end up looking like a pile of crap much like those screenshots show!

Maybe you didn't play a big part in this destruction but I'd like to see the logs of what you contributed in the area's demise!

To me this kind of destruction is like school children tearing up the class room the minute the teacher turns their back and shows a lack of trust and loyalty to the server. We are trying to build a respected community here of roleplayers who care about where they live. I think its time for the value some players add to be questioned.

Personally I'm getting tired of everyone breaking any kind of common sense rule that hasn't specifically been listed as an offence. We can't cover every little rule. We expect people to use their heads and behave according to how they would behave in real life and treat places and locations on the server with loving care and respect the other members who play here.


Lord of Altera
Serrino, i have some replies to what you typed:

1. I remember someone told me once: "Grief and PvP are allowed in only and only southern wilds/sorrowlands." Im sorry if it isn't. Because i thought it was after what i was told.

2. Grief is not good, and i don't think you should give people right to grief no matter where they are. A suggestions from me would be, declare the spawn area as town? Call it something like "Southern Wilds Spawn" or something? So that people can't grief it.

3. Griefed things everywhere would be a chaos, and sad to look at, indeed.

4. I didn't play any role of the destruction of the ground area at spawn. I didn't even notice it when i came to southern. I went mining, and came up after some time. Started grief some houses i found who already was a bit griefed when i came. I only griefed some wall and ground in the cobble tower. And i guess about 2 houses in the trees? Not completely sure, maybe 3. And as i said, im willing to come replace it, or atleast get the resources for the player so that they can rebuild their stuff again.

5. I'm a really good roleplayer, and i love roleplaying. That's why i searched for this server. And i don't do that kind of stuff in school. I actually clean up after the ones who threw gum or something in the backhead of someone. (Not really the gum thingy, but you know what i mean?)

Actually, the story would be kinda like this: "I wen't to the Southern Wilds to mine, before i started to mine, i found a little house next to some kind of ocean/sea i griefed some of it, because i was bored, and i got told by some moderator, that PvP and Griefing is allowed in Sorrowlands/Southern Wilds. After i griefed some of it. I wen't mining. I mined in a good amount of time (In my opinion i did). Then i wen't up. Griefed like 1 cobble house. After that the PvP thing with Ravens107 started. Where he started killing my "fellow-miners". I ran around, didn't know what to do. I removed a bit wood from some wood house in a tree. After that i ran around while waiting for the town spawn. (Sorry about the cobble tower, i forgot when i did that. But it thought it looked griefed when i saw it. And in one of the screenshots Aux took. Tantara says something like this: "It seems, crm and backstay did the cobble tower". That's right. And im also right about it already was a bit griefed. But i really had no idea at all how far away from the spawn i was. And i already said many times, that i've been told, you know. But thanks for all the time i have spent here with you. I will really miss it.


Lord of Altera
Corey... I DIDN'T grief the spawn area. The chaos holes! And i would like proof???? I didn't grief it. Your grandmother's sister's auntie's goldfish did it!
I really have not griefed it. Aux's screenshots was not proof. He took pictures of the griefed areas. But i didn't grief the ground/floor thingy. As i said, i only griefed the houses and cobble tower. And i would like to come replace or terraforming whatever have been griefed. As long as i can come online and do what i was about to do when i got banned. And just continue my life on the server. I have spent all my day sitting here doing nothing because im banned. I have no idea what to do now. I might actually leave the "gaming business" and cancel the game im developing, the town i was about to make on hollowworld. And everything. Im serious. I didn't grief the ground, atleast not of what i remember. But im willing to come replace everything i did. Or what i didn't do, (Im not completely sure about the ground, but of what i remember, i didn't grief it).
I would like someone here who trusts me? No one backs me up here? Not even my town members, and real life friends? My life has been ruined now. Thanks.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
Backstay you just need to calm down and sit this out. Lots of people have been banned pending this investigation.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I know it isn't my place to post. But i would like to say that awhile back i too was told by an admin that grief was allowed in the southern wilds. I do not remember who, but it was an admin/moderator i know that for sure. So obviously, there is a lot of confusion on this topic, and one should not be punished for small grief such as a house here or there (my house was griefed a long time ago in the southern wilds, and i didn't care too much because i was told it was allowed)

As far as the mass grief goes, i think that the only reason Backstay was banned is because he admitted to minor grief, so people are thinking he could be a suspect of the major grief. But he is right, there is no proof in the pictures. There is proof hel_wulf griefed but not Backstay.

I think he should be unbanned until proven guilty, not banned until proven innocent.


King of the north!
He's banned because we have logs of what he did, the screenshots are just the damage everyone involved caused. Can people stop questioning admins decisions please. I doubt you would have questioned it at all if you knew it was actually cherberts call to ban all those involved until the investigation is over.


Loyal Servant of Altera
He's banned because we have logs of what he did, the screenshots are just the damage everyone involved caused. Can people stop questioning admins decisions please. I doubt you would have questioned it at all if you knew it was actually cherberts call to ban all those involved until the investigation is over.
My apologies, i was simply going by what was on this post. It was my mistake, next time i won't post unless i was actually there.

I trust you back, and you're a good player.

You did hardly anything too, only the tower, as you said.
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