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Ban appeal for Leviathan_Ziz

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Hello Hollow World crew,

It seems i have been banned from the server, when i tried logging in again it said: "You are banned from this service". Apparently, or actually i am sure, i have been banned from the server because of the same plugin error mentioned here.Would you be so kind to find out why exactly i was banned, as the banlist gives me the good ol' 404, or to fix this plugin, as im keen to deliver some items i should've given to someone sometime ago, and im eager to play.
If it is infact a technical issue, please take your time, i do not have alot of time to play, and it's rather lowpriority.

Gr Leviathan_Ziz


King ForumStalker
I don't want to risk unbanning you because you may have been banned for a reason OR it could be the plugin, there's currently no way to be sure.

We need to wait a bit until another mod/admin with answers comes in, i'll make sure to ask around and see if anyone has any details.
I don't want to risk unbanning you because you may have been banned for a reason OR it could be the plugin, there's currently no way to be sure.

We need to wait a bit until another mod/admin with answers comes in, i'll make sure to ask around and see if anyone has any details.
That is fine, i don't have much time to play on hollow world anyway. Like i said, take your time, but do not, not act ;)


Resigned Admin
I believe that he was one of those implicated in the Southern Wilds mess. He wasn't a large perpetrator though; I think he's ok to let back on
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