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Ban Appeal

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Clifton Blaine

I was temp-banned 3 days ago for minor thievery. I finally go to get back on and it says "You are banned from this server! Reason: Repeated stealing, please appeal." What I don't get is how I got banned for repeated stealing even though I haven't been able to get on until today. I wanted to appeal because I actually like this server and was looking forward to getting unbanned so I could continue to get my levels up and such. But I go to get on and am banned for longer. I am appealing this ban because I want to get back to playing as soon as possible. Any questions, I will answer with all honesty.


Lord of Altera
You stole small amounts off tjibbe, which you got a temp ban for. Then, when ytsen13 got online he noticed that you stole 244 iron ingots and 8 diamonds. Care to explain?

Clifton Blaine

I had taken it all at the same time. The ingots were all blocks which are safe. Which I can return unless they have been returned already. I am pretty sure I didn't steal any diamonds. But I might have and it simply crossed my mind. But I do have enough diamonds to pay that back too. I don't know what I took off of tjibbe.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
I had taken it all at the same time. The ingots were all blocks which are safe. Which I can return unless they have been returned already. I am pretty sure I didn't steal any diamonds. But I might have and it simply crossed my mind. But I do have enough diamonds to pay that back too. I don't know what I took off of tjibbe.
Do you steal from people in real life too?

Clifton Blaine

Do you steal from people in real life too?
No, I do not steal from people in real life. What had happened was that I was prowling around getting to know the in's and out's of the town when I came across a few unlocked chests with lots of items in them. I knew that I would probably Be found out. That is why I didn't use any of the items. I didn't think about getting found out until it was a few days later.

Clifton Blaine

But why did you do it? And I let you back how do i know that you aren't going to do it again?
I won't do it again because I like this server. I didn't know that I would get banned. I thought I would probably just get kicked out of the house/town. These are probably piss poor excuses, but these are the reasons I did what I did.


Zalenfal Guardian
I won't do it again because I like this server. I didn't know that I would get banned. I thought I would probably just get kicked out of the house/town. These are probably piss poor excuses, but these are the reasons I did what I did.
So you're okay with doing things that affect other people negatively as long as it doesn't infringe on your playing of the game?
I really do not understand. You say you knew you'd be found out... So why do it?

Clifton Blaine

I didn't realize until after that I would probably be found out. I thought this was a Role-Play server. Thievery is in real life as it is in games.


Lord of Altera
But on this server, we do not allow griefing in any form! Griefing can be stealing too, considering you have stolen so much...


Lord of Altera
I didn't steal that much. And what I did steal was taken just a few blocks away and stored.
Buddy, you have to take into account the effect you had on the people you stole from. This is stuff they had worked hard for, and all of the sudden some random guy takes it from them. Imagine this. You just got back from a hard day in the mines. You mined your way through 5 pickaxes and two shovels. You were rewarded with ten diamonds and a whole bunch of iron. You have to leave, so you place it in an unprotected chest for safekeeping. When you get back on, all of that is gone. Think about it.

Clifton Blaine

Buddy, you have to take into account the effect you had on the people you stole from. This is stuff they had worked hard for, and all of the sudden some random guy takes it from them. Imagine this. You just got back from a hard day in the mines. You mined your way through 5 pickaxes and two shovels. You were rewarded with ten diamonds and a whole bunch of iron. You have to leave, so you place it in an unprotected chest for safekeeping. When you get back on, all of that is gone. Think about it.
"unprotected chest for safekeeping." Maybe I just taught them a lesson in item storage? Also, I already said that everything is still there. Not sold, not turned into anything. All still as I took it. Everything will be returned with an apology. I will also give 100 rads to each person for emotional stress.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
"unprotected chest for safekeeping." Maybe I just taught them a lesson in item storage? Also, I already said that everything is still there. Not sold, not turned into anything. All still as I took it. Everything will be returned with an apology. I will also give 100 rads to each person for emotional stress.
Dont be smart. Use your common sense! This is a server based on comunities and towns. If the items were allowd to be taken by everyone thn they would either be in a community storage or have a sign next to it.

Also you dont seem to have got the point.


Clifton Blaine said:
"unprotected chest for safekeeping." Maybe I just taught them a lesson in item storage? Also, I already said that everything is still there. Not sold, not turned into anything. All still as I took it. Everything will be returned with an apology. I will also give 100 rads to each person for emotional stress.
You stole from someone in your town, people from outside town can't open chests. Therefore we trust people not to steal from eachother. If they do then they arn't the kind of people that are welcome in a town.

Slightly more on topic, you stole. Stealing is stealing and you cant justify it.

"Taught them a lesson". Yes, you taught them not to trust the other members of their town.


The White Mage
I didn't realize until after that I would probably be found out. I thought this was a Role-Play server. Thievery is in real life as it is in games.
Just to address this quickly: Yes there is "Role-play stealing" but this only occurs when its a special RP event based around thievry of a specific object(ive) that won't harm any non-participants in any way. That, or if some people are role-playing and, to further the experiance, allow one to steal from the other to have sOmething to RP around. However, to the best of my knowledge, in these circumstances the items are always returned to the owner (who consented the steal). Stealing is breaking the law on this server and to put it simply, you will get caught and have to face up to the music.


Lord of Altera
You stole from them. We know because we've seen it, we can track everything you do. Stop finding excuses not even my goldfish would make. You were temp banned for 3 days as one player asked for moderator assistance in OOC, which involved theft. After investigation, we had knowledge of you only stealing a medium-sized amount of building materials, and bread. After discussion, a 3 day ban was placed. Afterwards, however, we found out that you had also stole several other items from town-and 244 iron ingots is a bloody LOT to someone who's just/recently joined the server. If you realized after you stole that you'd be found out, why didn't you be the honest man and just returned the items? If you'd read the Tome of Citizenship, you would completely understand that, as Epikplayer said, stealing is a form of grief, which is completely NOT allowed in Altera. Just because the chests weren't privated, doesn't mean they're yours to take from whenever you please! At least have the decency to ask the mayor or assistant mayors of the town to distinguish who's chest/s they are, and then ask the owner whether you can take some of the items. In addition, from my knowledge, the chests you stole from were also inside someone's house, which clearly isn't out in the open.


King ForumStalker
Okay, I will say this though, Clifton, I want you to take some time out and think about how the player on the other end of the theft would feel. It was hardly small amounts of things you stole. Then come back and re-appeal in perhaps a couple of weeks or a month, at which point we may reconsider.

Either way, I think the best thing is to apologise to the affected players.
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