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Banned for 'black magic'

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Lord of Altera
I messaged Reaping about what on earth 'black magic' was which I found taht I was perm banned for when logging on just now. He told me it was using xray mod. This confused me coz I dont have xray mod- nor have i ever had it. :(

If you just see for a second - I did a LOT of mining recently - yes I found diamond - but a lot of it was to do with the refreshing of teh land in South Wilds - I have been lagging a lot and have never had any form of Xray a lot. - The lag of chunks of teh world did allow me to see a lot of the diamond - but if you check in my town - I was actually breaking some of teh diamond ore placed there as well (has been there for decoration placed by mods before) - I seriously only have fly mod installed - coz im not even very good at installing mods :/ - I get someone to do it for me.

I'm a pretty honest a good player tbh and have been dedicated to build stuff and helping with rp for the server for ages. Yes, I am sorry that I utilised an unusually slow refresh rate of the land to see placement underground where I noticed caves etc. with ores in the last time I was online...My computer is running a lot quicker now and I would never mean to 'cheat' on purpose. Like I said - I 100% have never had any other mods other than one simple fly mod. So for this I am sorry if you suspect me of foul play.

I appologise again and would even remove fly mod (which I no longer have a great use for seen as I am no longer building large projects at the moment if that is also a concern. I know you can not know for sure - but I hope you will at least accept this apology.



True Bandit
Like I said to you in message, you were mining directly to diamond ore with no way of knowing it was there. Sally rolledback the area for me and all of the ore was covered; you mined straight to it.
This was not just my ban, me AND Sally decided to ban you for obvious X-raying.
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