Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Banned from wrong reason

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Loyal Servant of Altera
Okay, now you will try to appeal again but with less of the caps and attitude, this is a mature server, handle it in a mature way

Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
[Quote removed]

You are angry. Change your attitude while you enjoy your 24 hour temp ban, please. If he's in the way, ask nicely. If he doesn't respond, he's probably afk. Scream (Like this; "Oi! You there! Move out of the way!) into his ear, and then he might move. Don't go and slap him in the face and push him.

If you want to build, ask nicely or save up money for a spot.


Loyal Servant of Altera
i lost my money as i spent it on stacks of iron ingots and was then killed losing all and thus rendering me poor


Lord Zanros Hawklight
Okay, i have edited out the entirety of the first post, and most of the title, i suggest you be a little more mature next time you try to appeal

edit: locking just in case
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