Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Banned while offline...


I went to log in today and I was told that I had been "banned by server".
I am nearly certain that I haven't done anything wrong, as I updated to 1.2.4 without thinking :)confused:) and I haven't been able to get on for a few days now...
Could you please let me know what it is that I have been banned for and if there is a possibility of being un-banned?



The Great Leper
Retired Staff
the server has had some problems. please post in the rewhitlisting thread


Lord of Altera
This may be part of the rollback situation, where your account has been returned to its previous banned status. However you might have done something... just sit tight and wait for a mod :)


I thought that was all sorted with now; I was unbanned last week as I hadn't been to the Southern Wilds for ages, let alone trash it up...:confused:


King ForumStalker
Due to the rollback, it was likely that the banlist was also setback, most likely to the day when you were banned.

I'll try unbanning you in game now


King ForumStalker
You're on the whitelist, but when I try to unban you I get an error.

Im guessing its a plugin derp, sit tight and hopefully it'll be fixed soon.