Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Barathum (The End)


The Watcher
Settlement Name: Barathum
Mayor: AlphaDragonman1
Assistant Mayors : N/A
Current Wealth: 550,000 Radiants
Population: Not yet calculated

About Barathum:

Since the start of the world Barathum has existed far out in the calm of the ocean, the mountain and the buildings that dwell upon it pre-dating even the known gods of Altera.

It was during the second age just before the first Alteran war that this lonely island was come across by a band of Pirates forced ashore by a fierce storm that had beset them for days, and at first all they discovered where the tress upon the landings and the mountain that seemed to have no visible peak.

As the days stretched on the men of the stranded ship found themselves unable to venture back out to sea on their wreck of a ship, so they set off deeper in the thickets of the forest and closer to the heart of the island. It was on their fourth day that they cut a path to the centre and discovered with shocked expression the entrance to what seemed a city guarded by a lone statue that held apart the mountain. The fear this silent giant drove into the men was enough to make the majority turn tail and flee back into the forest, and so were left a small group of pirates more awestruck then afraid, this god of a statue with the head of some horrific lizard seemed more inviting that damning to them and so with steeled hearts and minds they passed beneath it's gaze and through the cold stone doors into the city.

What they found within stole their breath, walls as high as the mountain, towers built so sturdy and wide and perhaps most intriguing of all a stairwell that led downwards into complete blackness. From the group of men one stood forwards towards the stairs, his face stern solemn much like the stone surrounding him, this man was the captain of the crew and he took it upon himself to be the first into the deeps. As he descended into the black he stopped at the end of the first flight of stairs where the light was barely able to reach, his eye caught an etching on the wall and after closer inspection he ran his fingers over the smooth cuts.

"The End is Nigh"

He scoffed at the words and continued down...

That night all throughout the island terrible screams of men could be heard as one by one the light of fire was snuffed out from the mountain and the land seeped back into the murk of the sea.

Joining Barathum:

To join Barathum is very simple, firstly we accept only Pirates or those wishing to be Pirates, secondly you must be willing to have your house underground in a dark area and be ok with being in close proximity to the End.

Post here if you want to join and then I'll contact you in game as soon as I am able to.

Happy pillaging.


Lord of Altera
Name: Axell
Pirate: Yarr!!
Why do you wanna join?: Because I am a pirate that was just brought back to life and I want a town to live in!