Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Poster Barechest Jewelry [Shop]

Sir Saltington

Lord of Altera
These posters could be seen in Storm's Landing, Eldpoint, and Linlea.
Have you been searching long and hard for the jewelry of your dreams?
Are you disappointed with the quality of your necklaces and rings?
Do you want to meet a man who can cut diamonds?

Well look no further!

The one and only Jacob himself is back in business and
is opening up Barechest Jewelry. If you were looking for any kind of
bejeweled trinket, feel free to stop on by our shop up in Linlea or just send
a letter to either Barechest Jewelry or the Rangers Hall in Storm's Landing.
We look forward to your future patronage!
OOC: Jacob is opening up a jewelry shop in Linlea. DM me on discord or the forums
if you want something crafted.