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Battlefield 3 - Xbox 360


I think I might like it here
Obv Battlefield 3 is better then MW3,
Who has battlefield and what are your gamertags?

I play as a support gunner and has 18 service stars on my MG60 and i just got my 4th on the Support class overall, I am looking for fellow xboxers to join my in my squad!


Lord of Altera
No comments? I don't actually have Battlefield 3, sad face. MW3 though is just the usual cod copy and paste, worse than usual, it's just an expensive map pack. anyway I do have Bad company 2 and it's amazing, I like to snipe mostly and fly helecopters.

Tdog the 1st

I think I might like it here
Hey, I will send you the message tomorrow probably, but at the time, my headset is broken, and I'll have to get another. I will be able to go down to GameStop to get another on Sunday, but will not be online at all that day (on Xbox Live, that is, I will certainly try to log on to Hollow World that day, but no guarantees). This headset issue also affects my Hollow World experience as well, for my headset was a Turtle Beach X12, and was compatible with both Xbox 360 and PC.
I don't have any speakers for my PC so the Turtle Beach was my only audio source for it. I have my Xbox 360 (of course) and my PC hooked up to my T.V. I have a 32" Vizio LCD HDTV and so I use that for gaming.
Thank you for understanding, and I hope to see you on the battlefield!


Lord of Altera
I have battlefield 3 now!
Love that video. I quite liked a video how not be be a n00b at bad company 2. Now that battlefield is famous, it has made it a bit shit because too many cod players like in that video above play it.

Luke Renwick

My gamertag is : renwick100
im a recon who snipes (Duhh) and uses the MAV To help out the team by spotting where people are and destroying enemy equipment such as EOD Bots and Others.


Legend of Altera
I play Battlefield 3 on the 360 with a one of my mates. For the most part, it's fun, but I have a lot of difficulty because I'm terrible at it. Some more of my mates have got the game, and a few more are planning to get it, so I might just get back into playing it. It's a great game.

I usually play as an engineer. I like the rocket launcher that comes with it, and I like being able to fix up vehicles if need be. Next is the soldier, simply because I like reviving dead teammates. Support and recon are the two classes I dislike playing as. Support's machine gun just doesn't work for me and I find it difficult to snipe, thus I dislike the recon class.

Still, great game, especially when you gather a few mates into a squad. Champion.


Lord of House Hawklight
Yes! Gamertag Roshax - usually play support or medic, hit me up when I'm on and I'll play some games for sure

Deleted member 61

ima headbudgie on Xbox too. I'm usually the medic in the attack chopper wasting my time having fun dogfights when I'm a great assault class on the ground :3


Lord of Altera
My gamertag is PheNiiXGhOsT. I play as engineer, i love the EOD bot i called mine Walle :p