Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Been A Long Time Now?

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Legend of Altera
Hey, You haven't seen me here for a while. But I'm here to make a apology.
The odds of me being allowed back in are minimal. But I'd like to show my gratitude for the time where I was in the server. I respected each and every admin, and it felt like a family. I still to this day recommend my friends to this server. And I'm still a supporter/fan, banned or not.

Thank you admins for letting me in in the first place.
Is there an exception that I may have learnt my lesson and possibly be allowed back in.
I was foolish back then...


Lord of Altera
I checked your last appeals and you were banned for x-raying. No appeals on x-rays, no matter how long it has been.


Legend of Altera
Oh, Figured it was worth a try. And BTW. I tried to join the server
And It allows me in.
I'll be honest there.
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