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Bellon, ArchWizard of Uthrandir's - Events

Bellon the Wise

Survivor of Five Rivers
(OOC: The Archwizard seems to always have 4 or 5 rp events ongoing at any given time. This post will be for me to keep track of all that I am doing.)

  1. "Raising of Madyson's Daughter"
    1. I lieu of Professor Madyson's untimely death the Magus, along with Zanros Hawklight and Alaila Nibble, have been entrusted with raising the little girl Ella.
  2. "Game of Crowns" (The Search for the King of Altera)
    1. The Game of Crowns are upon us! Keeping track of all the front runners in this race for the Crown. The ruler must be wise and just!
  3. "The Return of the Pirate Queen"
    1. The Pirate Queen once thought dead has returned. She gathers her pirates in an unknown location. The Archwizard dispatched spies to keep a close eye on her. He can not allow for there for the Pirates to indirectly control the crown.
  4. "Finding the Poison"
    1. A friend from Protaras is worried about a certain potion. The Archwizard will study the potion in his personal Apothecary to reveal the secrets of the potion.
  5. "Magical Sanctum"
    1. The Slayers have run rampant in the killing of magical creatures. In the absence of a true King the peoples of Altera are taking matters into their own hands. The ArchWizard must do what he can to quell this bloodlust.
  6. "There is Still Knowledge to Impart"
    1. Bellon has been "invited" to teach at the new University. The Archwizard must prepare for this new venture.
  7. "The strange Plague"
    1. Dark Wizard Alec is spreading a Plague. He has some strange fascination with baby Ella.
    2. Resolved. Alec was killed by Bellon
  8. "The rise of Barathum"
    1. The Pirate King came to Alaila seeking help. Through the Pirate King the endermen informed Bellon that only one person can stop the deadly invasion.
  9. "The Profundities of Magic"
  10. "Darko the Demon"
    1. Even since the old world the boy Darko has been tormented by his past. Never able to let go of killing his father. I tried in the past to help him but alas it has only made things worst. Now, he is obsessed with my little sweetling Ella. He does not give her a moments peace. He must be stopped!

Bellon the Wise

Survivor of Five Rivers

Darko the Demon

Finally. Darko has been stopped. The only cost? Ella's innocence.

Seeking vengence for the murder of her mother, Madyson, Ella slayed a part of Darko, leaving only a portion of himself behind. I returned to Uthrandir to see Darko once again brewing mischief. The White Wizard of the North, Zane Frostfire, did an amazing job of subduing the fiend but I finished it.

Tarak's Descent of Fire!

Using one of Ireneus magical profundities, Tarak's Descent of Fire, I destroyed Darko's body. I then drew the his dark and mutulated soul from its blackened shell. It was ebony, cold and hard. The soul now remain hidden in Uthrandir under the protection of my esteemed and most powerful friend the Magus Ducati.

Hopefully this is the end of this madness... I can only hope....

Darko's sealed soul


Roleplay keeper
Noooooo Darko D:
*studies describtion, then runs of to Uthrandir* I shall save him! No one captures and kills MY friend :mad: