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Bellon, The Wise

  • Thread starter Bellon the Wise
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Bellon the Wise

Name: Bellon Lightkeeper

Nickname/Alias: Bellon - The Wise, The Wise One, Das Weise, Zauberer,
Age: Looks to be a vibrant 65 (real age unknown, maybe forgoten)
Weight:175lbs (don't know how many stone that is)

Identifying Marks:Marvelously Wrinkled Skin

Appearance: Bellon appears as a grey-bearded man of weather visage, charmingly melodious tone, alert, sparkling grey eyes, elegant (oddly clean) linen robes of vibrant coloration and an inviting slender nose. (One can tell that he was quite handsome as a youth). Bellon wears the Gold and White colors of the Academy in tribute to the god Harateth.

Personality: Bellon is usually warm and inviting. Quick to talk and sometimes needing a little 'too' much personal information. He is a natural storyteller, witty, clever, and a very charming old man. However, when work is to be done, he can be imperious, grave, and very short. He very rarely reveals the full extent of his true thoughts and nature to anyone. He believes in Order and can become rankled in the midst of Choas. Bellon has a hunger for knowledge and the procurement of such. He can spend hours in the study of his tower, mulling over histories and creating books a new. Many a time will he take a pilgramige, book in hand, to a neighboring city to hear stories and jot them down. Bellon loves to cook and more so, EAT!

Bellon's Tower: Bellon once resided in the fair city of Aurolus, where he was the town Wizard. Recently, he has founded Uthrandir, Hall of the Wizards of Order and it is doing extraordinary well. The ArchWizard's city of Uthrandir stands as a monument of beauty and a sancturary to the learned of Altera. The Wizards of Uthrandir usually invite guests with food and drink, however sometimes they are too busy to see anyone and may be dismissive and grumpy! His tower, Bellon believes, plays a vital role in Altera. He and his professors train many of the inhabitants of Altera. The Wizards of Uthrandir see to the most efficient functioning of and use of the City. The Tower of Uthrandir acts as a pre-emptive warden against the forces of evil.

Bellon's Role/Power: Since is arrival in Altera his memories have been blurred. They come to him as pictures, fragments.... he has spent many a sleepless night trying to organize these thoughts. Yet he knows that within him is a power that lies dormant. However, Bellon has never been a 'spell hurler', nay! "There is much to be said for diplomacy." For if you truly understood the extent of magic you would know how dangerous it is. Bellon rarely uses magic unless extremely necessary (Demons, Dragons, other Wizards) but do not let his mystic timidity fool you in any way. He is quite learned in the Art and studies every day. Foolish would be he who awakened the sleeping sorcerrer! However, his trusty bow and arrow (coupled by is oddly remarkable aim) is enough to do the trick.

Quite frankly, the quarrels of men are but a farce. There are worst things in creation than the ire of mortal men. Bellon's true power lies in his ability to rally the hearts of the people against the forces of evil. It is an old device of Bellon. His melodious tones do many things to influence the will of mortals, lest they know of this device.
Speaks several Languages.

Bellon's Hope: It is the hope of Bellon to form the first fully mystic city. It would serve as a beacon of knowledge in Alterac. There he would train the best and brightest of the nation in its Universities and Colleges. There they would learn music, art, architecture, lore and magic. There! he would shape the future leaders of Alterac and they would all pay homage to the Magical City of Uthrandir. He would take the gutter rats, orphans, those of less than noble blood and show them that with knowledge nothing is beyond possiblity!

Bellon's Fear: Alterac has done well. He has seen it before. Once the demonic gate has been opened, low unto all. As he has said, there are far worst things in creation that the ire of mortal men. Too many times have they invited Death and destruction upon themselves. However, it is inevitable. He hopes that he will be overly prepared when the time comes; to guide the people of Alterac through those harsh and horrid times.

Bellon's Enemies: Thus far, no one has alerted him. However, Bellon is not fond of;
  1. Daemon/Demons
  2. Dark Wizards (Necromancers)
  3. Undead
  4. Evil Dragons
  5. Pirates!
  6. Gingers!!!!!
Bellon's Favorite Sayings:
  1. "Bless My Soul!"
  2. "Confusticate and BeBother!"
  3. "Farewell where ever you may Fare"
  4. "There are far worst things than the ire of mortal men!"
  5. "What is this combrunction?"
Bellon's Magical Sword
Ireneus the Lightbringer, Bellon's Spellsword

Bellon the Wise

Thank you all! @ Atkry I had to put that in... I personaly love gingers but I thought it was funny and my personal homage to south park!


Sparkly purple member of the team
Bellon's Enemies: Thus far, no one has alerted him. However, Bellon is not fond of;
  1. Daemon/Demons
  2. Dark Wizards (Necromancers)
  3. Undead
  4. Evil Dragons
  5. Pirates!
  6. Gingers!!!!!
*Alaila pouts and makes puppy eyes at sir Bellon.*

We have souls, you know?