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Billian's Profile


Legend of Altera
Name: Billian
Nickname/Alias: Bill, Billy
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'2
Weight: 180 pounds
Hair: Average length, dark brown
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Light
Identifying Marks: Small scar over left eye

Appearance: Billian appears as a middle-aged man wearing a black suit adorned with gold. He often carries an oddly shaped iron dagger on his side, in addition to having a small satchel slung over his shoulder. Despite his age, he has a youthful face which often bears a smirk.

Strengths: Billian is a natural leader and diplomat, and can often convince others to do as he suggests. He is also well-learned, and has knowledge on many things. Furthermore, he's generally very good at earning some coin when he needs to, and can put his entrepreneurial aptitude to use when necessary. His greatest asset is perhaps his luck, which has served him greatly during his time in Altera.

Weaknesses and fears: Billian is physically weak, far from a skilled swordsman. He is rarely able to hold his own in battle against any more than the most untrained of weaklings. He can also act rashly on occasion, causing problems by not thinking things through first. In addition, his love for gold and coin can blind him to the large picture and cause him to make foolish mistakes.

Religion and cults: Billian is a logical thinker and doesn't devote much time to the gods of Altera, though he does acknowledge them. The only one he truly supports is Bilsworth, for whom he was named.

Profession: Billian began as a coal-miner in his hometown, but became a merchant shortly afterwards. He came to Altera for trade, but ended up starting a town by Fate's decree. He's been in leadership positions of various settlements since, but still takes on various jobs on the side for profit.

Backstory: Billian was born into the family of a poor merchant in a land far from Altera. He was named for Bilsworth, god of trade. In his small town, his father taught him about the truly important things in life; Land, wealth, and power. He grew up with these beliefs and would carry them with him throughout his life. When he'd reached the age that he could start working, be took a job in the coal mine. It was dangerous, but the pay was good if you survived.

He soon learned that such work was not for him, and instead he worked under his father in the family shop. After a number of years, Billian had saved up enough gold to move to the city. There, he opened a store of his own and began accumulating quite a bit of wealth. He drove all competition out of business and became one of the most influential men in the city. Billian became friends with the Earl and received many managerial responsibilities.

However, the land was invaded by a neighboring territory not long after these events transpired. Men stormed the area, looting villages and killing everyone in sight. His city held its own in the fighting that ensued, but a fire was started during the heat of the battle. It spread rapidly, and the entire city was soon lit aflame. Billian saddled his horse and fled the land, not stopping until he reached the territory's main port. He boarded a departing ship and looked back as everything he'd ever known burnt to the ground. The only thing he'd brought with him was an old iron dagger his father had given him many years ago.


King ForumStalker
Awesome story so far, though if you don't mention Ascension_Heights at some point I may have to use this command.

/ragemode on

Right, now i'm tired, so i'm going to bed.