Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Blacklight- Whitelist Application (no pun intended) [Approved - JustShadow]


1. MC Username: supernaut66
2. Age: 20
3. Gender:Male
4. Country:U.K.
5. Yes, in great detail.

6. I enjoy it very much, though for me it usually depends on those that populate a world/server. However, even from a surface look, it seems that this server has that covered; i wager that the HollowWorld server and its community will make for a most immersive experience. As for previous forays into roleplaying, i have had a long run on the Arelith RP server for Neverwinter Nights (just giving a shout out, maybe i'll meet some fellow NWN players here :)), where the DM's took roleplaying very seriously and actively encouraged players to be creative and original with RP'ing and to make their characters as unique as possible.
7. My name is Dan, I am currently in my second year of uni studying English. My hobbies include fencing and playing guitar (hence why the Bard is one of my favourite RPG classes, probably); as well as reading (though not as frequently as I should) and, last but not least, gaming. Having been a PC gamer since about '97, I grew up on pretty much anything and everything made by BioWare, Bethesda, and Black Isle, which basically cemented the RPG as my favourite genre. I discovered minecraft last year, around the time of the 1.4 SMP beta, and was hooked instantly. After a while of not playing minecraft for various reasons, my interest in the game was recently rekindled by being invited to play on a friend's private server (which is now unfortunately down). Recently, having contemplated the possibilities of a dedicated roleplaying community armed with the limitless creative power offered by minecraft, i put "minecraft best rp server" into google, and here I am...

8. Unfortunately, i have nothing to brag about. While i have made some nice constructions, none of these were particularly noteworthy or as amazing as some of the things people have created over the past couple of years. Besides, i've always enjoyed the mining/exploration aspect of MC more; even a fantasy world needs its miners, prospectors, and explorers, right?

9. Frankly, I think i've ranted enough already :)

10. Yes.

11. Google, which led me to
12. Yes!
Thanks for your time!​


Zalenfal Guardian
I have to say, this is an astounding application, even though you didn't include the questions with your answers :p
Funnily enough, the first person to talk to you on here (myself) plays NWN xD
Approved, approved, a hundred times over approved.
Welcome to Altera!
Most players when they log on want to jump in and get established/build before they do anything else. In Hollow World players must first find a town before they can build. You may join a town by asking the mayor or assistant mayor to add you. You can view all the information about a town by typing /town [townname] .

Please visit this link. It will help you choose a town.

Lastly, please, PLEASE!!! make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it!!! We have a 0 tolerance policy for it.
1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal. You have been warned.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence. Hollowworld does not permit the use of shared Minecraft accounts and the account you use to apply here is your responsibility. Keep your password safe and DO NOT share your account with ANY third party. You have been warned.


Wow, didn't expect such a swift reply! Heh, guess i finally found a practical use for my English degree...
I'm well aware of the rules regarding cheats, and besides, i think they break immersion like nothing else, so you won't have to worry on that account!
Thanks very much for processing my application, and see you on the server! :)