Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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BLarg fer hire~


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
So one of the things BLarg feels very confidant at is roleplaying. Surprise, surprise, since I've done it nigh-on daily for well into two years now. And while I feel I'm a sort of person who'll not find much long-lasting interest in more than one character at a time, if nothing else I feel other sorts of characters can be a learning experience.

So, BLarg's come to decide that his alt is going to be used mainly for semi-temp characters that, say, might assist in some plans for someone else's character. Or someone from their backstory that would provide interesting development for their character, or.. anything really. My only stipulation is that I get a skin, and we hash some of the character's finer details over Skype or the Forums before I hop on with the character. If anyone's interested at all, that is.

BLarg's played people from arrogant, young arsehats who had themselves disemboweled on the second day of playing them from making a bad mistake, to super old wise-men that are prolly still bumming about to this day. So anyone interested in BLarg playing some'n?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
.. Oh, do mind. 'Fer hire' is a bit misleading. BLarg ain't lookin' for payment, but certainly wouldn't mind it~ :p


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
blarg certainly enjoys third person, will he be using this in RP?
if'n you got the goods, blarg'll do a lot more'n just speak in his favorite fash'n~
Hit me up on Skype, blargypoo
...BLarg, you know what I'll saaaaay~
sounds fun~
I'm looking for a character to give themselves swirlies.
costs extra.
*Throws money at the screen.*
Make a character that does my yard work!
consult the rygan post.
One day soon. One day very soon.


Based on what?
Retired Staff
I have no skin, I have worked out alot of the deets, however It can wait until you are free again it's someone I can introduce at anytime.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
If I just came out of nowhere from a 8+ month long hiatus, and said something vaguely sinister that would fit to something Marcus Helix might have said, such as, "I have such a need in your assistance for what is to come," I wonder what kind of reaction I might get.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
If I just came out of nowhere from a 8+ month long hiatus, and said something vaguely sinister that would fit to something Marcus Helix might have said, such as, "I have such a need in your assistance for what is to come," I wonder what kind of reaction I might get.
... Sure!


Lord of Altera
The Blarg has already worked for all the glorious organizations i've been running.
See where it got us in all cases xD

...buuuut.... I still like the Blarg


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
If I just came out of nowhere from a 8+ month long hiatus, and said something vaguely sinister that would fit to something Marcus Helix might have said, such as, "I have such a need in your assistance for what is to come," I wonder what kind of reaction I might get.
The Blarg has already worked for all the glorious organizations i've been running.
See where it got us in all cases xD

...buuuut.... I still like the Blarg
... Knowing you two, you might be more interested in getting my main character involved~