Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Be sure to "Get Whitelisted" to join the community on server!

Bones__ Whitelist App. [Accepted - Jase]


The Whitelist Application Form
About You!

1. What is your Minecraft username

2. How old are you?

3. What country are you from? What is your timezone?

4. Have you read the King's Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides yet?
Sure have.

5. In your own words, how would you define metagaming and powergaming?
Metagaming is using out of character knowledge in character for the usual effect of gaining some sort of benefit or power. Powergaming is when players remove consent from the other party of roleplaying to take decisive actions for self-interested purposes, such as emoting to remove a player's hand without trying to give them any sort of way to react.

6. Do we allow X-Raying mods or X-Ray texture packs on the server?

7. Tell us about yourself! Do you have any examples of your work?
I am currently a college student, playing mineman roleplay as a hobby while we finish up on the pandemic. I work part time in retail during my semester away from college. My other hobbies include taking part in a few D&D campaigns and other tabletop roleplaying games, among other things away from the computer. Usually that ends up being golf when the weather permits or snowboarding in the wintertime. My life is very boring so I attempt to make up for it with my personality, though I can't feature that all too well when I'm attempting to be formal for the application.

8. Did anyone refer you? If not, how did you find our server?
I'm applying with a few others, but I haven't been referred by anyone on the server. Word of mouth brought me here to check it out.

About Your Character!
This section is about the character you intend to use once you join the server. We ask that new players follow these guidelines during this portion of the application:

Current Setting of the Server:

The lands of Altera have long been laced with upheaval, supernatural turmoil that would threaten to shatter the realm or tear it asunder. Long, have the peoples of Altera withstood these tribulations, overcoming and persevering through the generations. Only too recently, have they settled the ire of Titans and Gods. Though the days were dark and long, the realm did survive, through tenacity and reverence. The memories of their trials behind them still fresh, the realm sits in a state of unease and angst . . . with eyes on the horizon.

In the skies above, the stars flicker and burn across the auburn colors of the setting sun, streaks of color in the gathering dark. The Realm of Altera awaits . . .

Character Name:
Ghiory Devae

Character Age:

Character Race:
Greathorn Caparii

Ghiory is a Caparii with albinism; having greying white horns and pale skin, along with the same white hair and fur along her legs. She has a few scars from previous run-ins with people of her race and wears an eyepatch over one eye. She wears nice entertainer's clothes to give off the aura of the showman she attempts to be; a long split cape with a collar, corset and puffy undershirt. She also wears black gloves and paints her nails a similar hue, in order to give off an attempted villainous aura for her performances. Ghiory wears boots as well to cover her goatish features, filling the boots the rest of the way with blocks of wood so they do not slip off.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin:
Written Test!

Of course this show would be a bust without a proper troupe. The tavern had been mostly vacant in the early hours of her arrival, and Ghiory felt a certain twang of annoyance in the front of her skull as all she was left with was meager sum in the sunhat at her feet after a few hour's long routine of song, compliments of her well-loved (and well battered) hurdy-gurdy. It would be enough for a warm meal at the very least, though these full-foots were always stingy with their loose change. Perhaps it was her visage that scared them away from offering money? Hardly. This town was a bust from the start, seeing the meandering pace of it's few denizens down the main thoroughfare, though she had to make an attempt at the very least. Even the backwater villages and small hamlets should be graced with some decent entertainment from time to time.

Regardless, it did not pay well. That was for sure. The caparii shifted her weight off of the stool she had perched on, readjusting her boots as she felt the wood shift out of place for her hoof on one side. Ghiory cleared her throat and moved to the counter to get herself a meal with her spoils, reminiscing back to another time in her life as she drummed her nails idly on the counter. It was an aimless tune, but one held with the same quiet passion she couldn't shake away.

She was back at home, where she hadn't even heard of any "Holy War." Truth be told, she still wasn't sure what that was about. Up until recently, all she'd really been too aware of was who was annoyed with who in their own little slice of nowhere. That, and which Greathorn could out-wrestle the others and show they were strongest. Ghiory's settlement had a mix of caparii residing in it, those misplaced by conflicts and scuffles always ended up in their neck of the woods. The Lighthooves and Greathorns usually kept to their own sides. She herself always liked to intermingle, seeing as she couldn't spend too long out in the sun without getting burnt, waiting until the evening when tournaments of strength occured between the Greathorns and merriment was spent into the early hours of the morning. Of course, she would always partake on the back end of affairs, though the early evening was spent usually learning the trades the displaced Lighthoof had to offer. Things like sewing and asking for new songs they'd picked up on their travels. They were a quiet bunch, and of course skeptical of the pallid caparii. A trading of wine and a few tidbits of her own did work them out of their shells eventually. She found the peace the offered strange, interesting at the very least.

More interesting than now, where she sat over her stew mulling over this and that. She pushed the now empty bowl away and dabbed her mouth clean with a cloth, before turning out the door and slinging her instrument over her shoulder. It was about time to find a new venue, and perhaps a more enthralled audience.


"Something need doing?"
Hey Bones,
Sorry about the delay, we had to check with the lore team with regards to your character.
Based on their response, while generally, we ask that new players stay away from 'quirky' characteristics such as this, e.g. heterochromia, etc, I think I am happy to give you the go-ahead for this character based on what I read above. Please do ensure that roleplay out the albinism trait correctly- with the appropriate traits that come from that (poor vision in her eyes etc).

If you don't feel like you can roleplay out this properly- I would advise that you remove the albinism trait from the character, and change the fur color.

Otherwise looking great!



I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
Plugins Command Guide
Donate to the Server!

{ Join us on Discord }
..for easier access to answering your questions and joining our roleplay community.

Please make sure you follow our server rules!
  • If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.
  • If you feel you'll have trouble getting familiar with the server, post below and I'll contact you in the most convenient way!
  • I'm your whitelist approver and a "PR Member." I'm here to help.