Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Kingdom Crusher
*A small notice is hung where the notices usually are near the Naught Inn, with red and green being its primary colours*

Just recently, Professor Dav'id Engem; with help from the Kingdom Crusher Chalkan Engem; has found brought to light a surgical option for cataracts, a leading cause in blindness. Following procedures on a large elderly dog and the Elf Tarron Saeradan, and the option shows results. It isn't without its risks, and much needed after care, however it's potential benefits have shown that, up to this point, it is a step closer to our goal of a world with less suffering.

This is a medical breakthrough.

The treatment is available to all friends of the Engems, and is considered a personal gift from them [and House Arcturus] to the Forest Elves [of Saeradan].