Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Arbiter of the Gods
Since I am one of the people who got the early access to the game I decided to post a thread about this... Interesting new game. It's called Brickforce, and is basically sandbox/ FPS game. There are two modes, Build mode, where you and your friends can build their own custom maps and then play them in FPS mode which includes several different modes in itself such as DM, TDM, CTF or Demolition. It is in open beta at the moment and so you will have to wait about a month after registering to get access to the game. However, it's funny, cartoony graphics, great gameplay that allows both noobs and pros to play, and, for all you Minecraft lovers, it's a very good find as it's basicly built out of blocks :D

You can register now at and wait around a month or so to get access to the game.

Also, here is a first impressions video posted on Youtube by TotalBuscuit or TB as some might know him.


The Arbiter of the Gods
No idea weather it's still valid. I recieved early access key to give to a friend for signing up before Monday this week so... meh :p