Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Be sure to "Get Whitelisted" to join the community on server!

bunniiiwoofs application [Accepted-Fronslin]

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The Whitelist Application Form
About You!

1. What is your Minecraft username
2. How old are you?

3. What country are you from? What is your timezone?

4. Have you read the King's Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides yet?

5. In your own words, how would you define metagaming and powergaming?
meta is when you take knowledge you have obtained ooc and apply it in character, power gaming is just using really overpowered stats or rping strats,. i.e -;I killed them instantly;- kinda mentality.

6. Do we allow X-Raying mods or X-Ray texture packs on the server?

7. Tell us about yourself! Do you have any examples of your work?
Art student! going into concept art (hopefully) and really love fantasy and DnD. I'll attach some photos of my work! A big animal lover, I write poetry and i'm just very creative in general!IMG_1731.jpg IMG_1732.jpgIMG_1741.JPG

8. Did anyone refer you? If not, how did you find our server?
googled fantasy uk minecraft servers

About Your Character!
This section is about the character you intend to use once you join the server.We ask that new players follow these guidelines during this portion of the application:
  • Characters begin with basic skills and gear. No advanced armor or weaponry. Skills and abilities are appropriate to a novice level. Skills should be learned through roleplay, not through backstory.
  • Characters fit the lore. If you choose to play as a Moor Elf, for example, we expect appearance and details to be fitting with base lore.
  • Characters cannot use magic in any way. The test itself should not mention magic either. HollowWorld uses a restricted magic system and it is only accessible to those who find and learn from a teacher in-game.
  • Tests should not be violent. No murder, killing, death, torture. In the past, 8 out of 10 applications featured characters fighting off bandits or slaying passersby. We don't want to see how well you can script a fight scene. We want to see how well you can tell a story, how well you can roleplay.
  • Be creative and be original. Do not use tests/characters whose home villages were burned, parents murdered, and then set off to be an orphan assassin. It has been done before. Please don't do it again.
  • Written portion of the test is required to be a 400 word minimum. If the test doesn't meet the minimum, Staff may ask you to extend the test before the application is considered.
You can remove the guidelines above when you're copy and pasting the application. The instructions above are for you to read and can be removed when applying.

Current Setting of the Server:

The lands of Altera have long been laced with upheaval, supernatural turmoil that would threaten to shatter the realm or tear it asunder. Long, have the peoples of Altera withstood these tribulations, overcoming and persevering through the generations. Only too recently, have they settled the ire of Titans and Gods. Though the days were dark and long, the realm did survive, through tenacity and reverence. The memories of their trials behind them still fresh, the realm sits in a state of unease and angst . . . with eyes on the horizon.

In the skies above, the stars flicker and burn across the auburn colors of the setting sun, streaks of color in the gathering dark. The Realm of Altera awaits . . .

Character Name:
Flos Unitatis

Character Age:
Character Race:
Silver Elf

Druid Like clothing, Ginger hair and green eyes. 5'7

(Optional) Picture of the Skin:
(My current player skin is exactly as described above)

Written Test!

A 'Looking for work' paper is neatly tucked into a board; it's hand written, the handwriting exquisite, and the paper is dressed with no rips or bumps, it looked long.. too long, almost like a diary entry; you'd assume this person had not done this before.

'First of all, who am I..

My name is Flos, Flos Unitatis. My family, the Unitatis, would be perhaps known as...well...lesser. I suppose my looks scream this too. Long, raggedy light ginger hair; there is no hiding it. Not to mention my freckled skin; a very rare trait amongst my species. Let's just say I'm closer friends with dwarves than my own.
I moved down here to be by the coast, make friends too I suppose; though I've found it hard. I'm currently looking for place of work as, well, I guess this is a long story...

Unlike most of my race...I took an unusual liking to the arts. My family hated it, they classed me as an embarrassment; wasting time with such leisure. I've often questioned if I actually AM a silver elf, for this reason! Back to the story, I WAS getting in there with a higher known male, also a Silver Elf, and my family were set to arrange a marriage. I still remember the day I found out. My family ran a tailors trying to make a fortune, I went about my usual day wandering into the shop ready to fit some garments, however my parents sat with a tall male, he seemed high strung, 'up his own arse' perhaps. I instantly took a dislike, and to then find out I was to marry him; it made me feel sick. I went along with it at first, a couple months I'd say, until I couldn't deal with it anymore.

He cut the bristles from my paintbrushes, threatened me whenever I sang. There was no music in the house. No amount of money could make me stay there. I packed the essentials, and I ran. Now here I am. Looking for work, a place to stay, food and....friends? Maybe I could sing in a tavern on the weekends, or paint murals in town. I just want to be a free spirit, do what I want! Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, either way. I'm pretty good with a bow, I'm pretty fun to be around, and I'd say I'm a perfectionist, so if you have a job, literally any job. I'll do it well.
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Based on what?
Retired Staff
7. Tell us about yourself! Do you have any examples of your work?
Art student! going into concept art (hopefully) and really love fantasy and dnd
Could you share some of your work? Any other interest or hobbies? We'd like to see at least two sentences

Also The requirement on the story is 400 words at the least. If you could please edit your post to meet this requirement I should be able to get you whitelisted soon.


Based on what?
Retired Staff


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
Plugins Command Guide
Donate to the Server!

{ Join us on Discord }
..for easier access to answering your questions and joining our roleplay community.

Please make sure you follow our server rules!
  • If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.
  • If you feel you'll have trouble getting familiar with the server, post below and I'll contact you in the most convenient way!
  • I'm your whitelist approver and a "PR Member." I'm here to help.
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