Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Business for sale] The Auction House


Lord of Altera
Sellers) Do you not want to spend as much time trying to sell your items?
Buyers) Are you tired of paying 200 radiants every time you travel by boat to another town to visit a market? Do you worry about getting ripped off?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then the Auction House is the solution for you.

You can use the auction house to buy or sell your items today with these three simple steps.

Step one) View the Auction House ledgers in the Auction House. ((online accessible))
Step two) Tell the auctioneer how much your are selling your item for and give the item to the auctioneer
Step three) Your item will be sold while you sleep!
Buyers) Simply view items in ledgers and tell Auctioneer which item you'd like to buy.
It's that easy!

This business is for sale. All you need to get started is the will!

Buy your Auction House today before someone else does!

That's not all, if you are not satisfied with your Auction House, I will give a 100% refund!

(Recommended requirement includes having access to create and edit NPC shop; chest shop works as well)