Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Poster By the Bloodied Knot


Lord of Altera
[Thematic Music]
[Somewhat Goofy but Baller Thematic Music]

Bloodied Knot Flag.png

To All Good & Pious People Under the Fist of the Reaching Hand & the Heel of the Empire:

My name is Vojislav Kraja, once a proud knight of House Aethelren.
I had a child and a wife, whom I loved dearly. They were taken from me by the pox.
I was denied the right to their burial by the Imperator's Corpse Law.
Their bodies were sent to the Sorrows to be turned into abominations beyond reckoning.

I slew the Imperial Defilers & their Retainers who mutilated my family & took away my right to be at peace.
All I have left of my wife is our bridal knot, and all I've left of my daughter is a lock of her hair.

All of you have family or friends, all of them will one day die, and you will be the one tasked to bury them.

But so long as the Imperator snatches them away for his God, you will never have the right to set your loved ones to rest.

I have forsaken my oath to my liege and to the Empire and so have my men.
We will not rest until we Crush the Fingers of the Reaching Hand

We call on all people of conscience to join us in our fight, for it is your fight too.
If you cannot fight, leave the Empire; starve the Dread Lich of Bodies.

Soldiers of the Empire:

We know many of you do not follow Skraag.
But you serve under a Master who does.
If you do not wish to die, join us.

Or be Strangled by this Bloodied Knot.

OOC: This is the beginning of an event arc I have planned that is taking place in the Empire of Cor Votum (i.e. Branko's lands). It will essentially be a peasant revolt that will go throughout the regions within the Empire, provided the region owners consent. Vojislav will be available to talk to outside the Empire, however, in the event that characters want to join his revolt or try to dissuade him in fighting. The events will be VIOLENT.

Kostadim Lovelyninja567 Si10k xVigil Samiwashere Cho Sergeant Freedom Mara MaelstromPuddle
