Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Calling all dwarves!!


Lord of Altera
Being relatively new to this server, I've noticed there is a severe lack of dwarves, and I'm not really sure which place to call my home city. Any dwarves out there ( i know theres only like 4) who have a town let me know


The Kingdom Crusher
Yep. Thrrall is the official capital of the Dwarves due to it being the capital of the only Dwarven house, Yearnen. It's currently being rebuilt, so Seth probably needs the help.

EDIT: The faster that's built, or atleast gets ready for RP, the sooner I can initiate my political project to help none human races.
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I remember the days when I came to the server as a newbie and was just addicted to the Dwarven idea, yet back then, there was around 9 Dwarves online.

I still think they took one glance at me, and ran.