Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Calling All Men of a Stabby Nature


Lord of Altera
After a recent tustle with a man of my own kind
I won and sent him on his way, but not at a cost of the safety of the bar that me and my
employer run.

I am employing a man of a defensive nature to aid in keeping the peace in and around The Naught Inn.

Vacancies are open
Payment can be discussed with the somewhat disappearance of Money
which is somewhat of a horrid... disgusting travesty

Beloch Tel'Mussin



Based on what?
Retired Staff
Hmm... I'm watching this thread.
I hangout in the Naught lots so I might help whoever takes up the job.


Lord of Altera

Exclaimer the female Bisharp

Level 87
Item: Shiv
Ability: Defiant (Not gonna take your sass)
Stabby Nature (+Knife)
Individual Values:
HP: 8
Atk: 31
Def: 28
SpA: 2
SpD: 7
Speed: 0

I don't need to explain this

I'm f'in made of blades. There's no possible way to get more stabby than that. I'd like to apply for this position.


Legend of Altera

Exclaimer the female Bisharp

Level 87
Item: Shiv
Ability: Defiant (Not gonna take your sass)
Stabby Nature (+Knife)
Individual Values:
HP: 8
Atk: 31
Def: 28
SpA: 2
SpD: 7
Speed: 0

I don't need to explain this

I'm f'in made of blades. There's no possible way to get more stabby than that. I'd like to apply for this position.
Well i guess she's
*takes off glasses*
A sharp one