Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Can I roleplay as a...



So, I have played World of Warcraft for a long time in private servers(where ABSOLUTELY no one roleplays, and thats a shame), and when I heard that the new (2010) expansion Cataclysm was being released with this new cool race known as Worgen(werewolves, who were first human) were added to the game, I got really excited. At first, I was like 'How can this fit in the lore?!', but they did a clever job at making it make sense. The backstory they thought of sounds great. However, since little poor Joe(me) over here has no money left in his little piggy bank, he cannot afford the game and its subscribtion costs. So he decides that he could make his own RP Worgen skin look identical like the one in game, go on Holloworld and start roleplaying.

Ofcourse, by now you have started typing in 'omgawd haw yu do dis 0 raes in forum stuped adia werwulf twailait stuped tenareg idoit'(most likely).
And that's why I'm asking if I could potentially roleplay as a human who can transform into a werewolf.

>>>!IMPORTANT!<<<: Please read(or atleast half of it) before answering:


Retired Staff
Admin here:

Not unless you can write exceptionally good lore explaining it, and even then it's a huge maybe. Werewolves have been extinct in Altera for a long, long time and we generally don't allow deviation from the core races, with the exception of a few legacy characters who were created before lore became stricter and were grandfathered into the system.


Thanks for the quick answers. You guys are amazing. So I guess it's a no? Can someone write a reply with a huge NO to me?


Dead Man Walking
Pretty much. Werewolves are fun and all, but /do not/ get your hopes up. It really, definitely isn't gunna happen. If you drove at it for a year or more, with, say, the successful creation of a god of dogs. And whipped up a frenzy of other people that made this God wicked popular. Then, MAYBE.

I've been hammering at the undead thing for a looooong time. And it prolly isn't going to happen; and I've /already/ got a God of undead.